37. Solitude

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One word to describe me. I was a mess. A total mess. My heart wasn't in a good shape same goes to my emotions. I was angry. Not at Logan but at myself. I kept on telling myself that Logan and I have something going on. I kept on telling myself that I was going to be alright. It was just a business meeting right. It's not like he's not coming back. Maybe he was too busy to check his message. Maybe he was swamped with work.

But the reality of the was that, I was all alone. The truth was vividly enough for me to embrace. But I couldn't bring myself to. I couldn't turn up to Jamie knowing I would only trouble her with my problems. None of the family members really cared about me. Everyone is busy with their life. The hope I have left regarding taking decisions in my own hands shattered. I felt nothing but disappointment. At myself and also Logan. He left me. He didn't care to check up on me.

I left the house very early in the morning, even before anyone was awake. My presence at home didn't make a difference, and I felt a deep sense of disappointment, both in myself and in Logan. He had left me without a single message.

Thankfully, Lisa was back from her trip, so I wouldn't have to handle the clinic alone. "Ma'am, are you okay?" Lisa asked, noticing my quiet demeanor. I had zoned out while giving an injection to one of the clients' dogs, which shows how draining life had become.

"Yes. Get back to work," I answered, perhaps more sharply than I intended. I saw her take a sharp breath, and I instantly regretted my tone.

"You don't look okay to me, Ma'am. You've said that like a thousand times today. Is it Mr Logan?" she inquired, hitting a nerve with her question. Why does everyone assume that my life revolves around him?

"Will you get back to work or do I need to ground you?" I snapped back, realizing that my frustration shouldn't be directed at Lisa. She wasn't responsible for the turmoil in my life.

"I'm sorry, Ma'am. It's time for lunch. Do you want me to get you something?" I remained silent, and she understood my answer as she left the room. I let out a frustrated sigh. I didn't want to take my anger out on Lisa; she doesn't deserve it.

I ended up calling Lisa to get me a sandwich on her way back. I couldn't let Logan's family issues starve me. I finished up the remaining work at the clinic and even took a stroll around the neighborhood, which somehow calmed my nerves.

I didn't want to go back home and face the facade of the family. Eventually, I found myself standing in front of Jamie's door. "Who do we have here?" she cheered as she stepped aside and allowed me to enter.

I crashed down on her couch, dropping my bag by the side. "I'm exhausted," I announced.

"What's making you exhausted? The baby or petting animals?" I shot her a glare.

"Is petting a dog such a big task for me?"

Her eyes darted left to right before she stood up and walked away. She returned with two cups of coffee. "Here, drink up. You look like shit."

I'm sure I looked even worse than that. 'Miserable' should be the right word to describe me. I took a sip of the coffee, and the taste felt sensational on my tongue. Coffee hadn't tasted better than it did today. "So, he hasn't called up until now?" Jamie asked, breaking the silence that had once prevailed in the room.

I shook my head with a sigh. "The message I left him is still unread."

Jamie's eyes went calculating. "Logan is not normal. Do you think he might be a vampire?"

A chuckle escaped me. "What kind of joke is that, Jamie? Of course he's normal. I just don't know."

"I fail to understand. One time he's nice, next he's grumpy. He should've at least given you a heads-up. He can't just leave the country just like that. What if you fall sick?" she explained. I folded my arms across my chest as I stared at her, going on and on about Logan.

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