48. Cheesy Logan

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"So, he's finally here." The doctor's voice broke the silence that had occupied the room for the past few minutes. I couldn't help but notice the amused smile playing at her lips as she and Logan exchanged a glance. She had wanted me to bring my partner along, and there he was, seated in front of her.

"Yes," I replied, redirecting her attention back to me.

"I see why you've been coming here alone. You didn't tell me that Logan Nero is your husband."

Ah, so that's why she had been looking at him that way. For a moment, I had almost thought she was checking him out in a different manner. Olivia, get a grip. The doctor is obviously not a single woman. And besides, Logan is someone popular, so it's okay for her to know.

"Sorry for not tagging along all this while. My wife told me you needed my presence," Logan responded calmly. I couldn't help but sense a puzzled look on his face. He had been teasing me to no end on our way here.

"Actually, it's no problem since you're here, Mr. Nero. Your wife's health condition and that of the baby are both normal. She has passed the first stage, and I'm sure she'll be able to handle the second and third trimesters." The doctor explained, now all serious as Logan listened attentively, as if he were in a corporate meeting. Silly me.

"So, is it possible to know the gender of the baby from now?" Logan asked, folding his arms across his chest. Oh, how the shirt he was wearing clung to his arms. If only he knew how well casual outfits suited him. I'd have to comment on that later when we're out.

"It's possible. She's in her fourth month, going on to five, so it's not a challenging task. Mrs. Olivia, could you take a walk around the hallway? I'd like to have a word with your husband," the doctor turned to me with a polite smile.

My gaze shifted to Logan, who was also looking at me with that same puzzled expression. "Alright."

"I'll be out in no time," Logan murmured, lightly squeezing my hand. I offered him a smile and a nod before making my way out.

As I closed the door behind me, I took a deep breath. The atmosphere of the hospital wasn't exactly welcoming to me. The scent of hospital chemicals and such always made me uneasy. I rubbed my palms over my baby bump, which had grown quite large. How time flies. Just a few months ago, we were trying to keep the truth hidden from the family. But now, everything is out in the open. The reality of what lies ahead still nags at the pit of my stomach.

My phone chimed just as I was about to start my stroll, as the doctor had suggested. I smiled as I read the message Jamie had sent.

"I'm still alive, you know."

I was thinking about calling her later today. We haven't been in touch for a while. I typed away, "Expect me later. Make something delicious for me and my baby."

I hit the send button with a grin. I could practically hear Jamie's voice on the other end, probably cursing me out. It wouldn't be surprising if I got a call from her immediately.

"What's making you happy?" Logan's voice whispered at the crook of my neck from behind. My body melted at his familiar touch.

"I was talking to Jamie," I replied, tilting my head to feel his warmth and catch a whiff of his cologne.

"Oh. I haven't heard the two of you talk for a while. Is everything alright with her?" He asked, pulling away slightly, and I turned around.

"Yeah. I'm sure she's fine. I'll check up on her later. Are you done talking with the doctor?"

"Mmm," he said, his gaze slightly distant.

"Mmm?" I repeated, giving him a quizzical look.

"Yeah. It's nothing serious. She just told me not to let you out of my sight for even a second." That comment made my cheeks heat up. Logan sure knew how to melt my heart.

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