that "one bed" kinda trope

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This was such a stupid idea. Why did you agree to this?

It was Sarah's idea to go camping for a weekend. Her, John B, JJ, Kiara---Pope couldn't go---and, to much of their dismay, Rafe. No one voted for Rafe to come. If that had been the case, he wouldn't be going.

It was Ward's only condition. He would allow his "underage" daughter and her "underage friends" to go camping on a beach by themselves, as long as they had an adult. Sarah made an obvious joke to which Ward shot her a warning look. She really wanted to go. You all did. You've all been planning this night for too long to cancel it. So Rafe came, too.

Not that he wants to go, either. He takes his time getting his things and loading them in John B's van early in the morning. We had a long drive up through North Carolina, and we were running late, of course. He glowered at us, mostly at John B and JJ, then dropped into the seat beside me and pulled the heavy, metal door shut.

He leaps out of the van as soon as it comes to a stop at the beach.

Everyone chooses spots to set up their tents. Sarah and John B would share one, JJ and Kiara would share one---you don't know how that happened---then, as far as you know, Rafe has his own tent, and you have yours.

Rafe's tent is surprisingly smaller than everyone else's, even your own. When JJ and John B see it, they hide their laughs behind their arms. When Rafe notices the difference, his shoulders slump. No one says anything. It's still light out, so everyone walks down to the water.

You're all out there until late, after the noisy, drunk guys who'd been shouting for the last three hours, have gone to bed. You all trudge back to your tents, your feet covered in water and sand. You're highly aware of Rafe behind you; his breath, his footsteps.

"Uh-oh," Sarah says, and she turns around.

When you look at your tent, not only has it collapsed, but it has a huge hole in it. Everyone looks at you, waiting.

What is there to say? Your tent is ruined.

Sarah looks at her brother then back at you. Then back at Rafe, who notices. For just a moment, you make eye contact. He ducks his head.

Everyone knows, but no one wants to say it.

"It's either that," Sarah says, "or he sleeps with one of the guys."

So it's settled. Rafe and you would share a tent tonight. Maybe tomorrow, you could buy a new one at a local store. Neither of you says anything about it.

Again, you're surprised when Rafe doesn't climb into the tent but instead stays out around the fire with everyone else. He doesn't offer anything to the conversation, just sits there, scowling, with the golden fire light against his face.

Sarah and John B go to bed first. They seem all giggly and touchy as they leave. It's even quieter than before. Kiara stares into the fire with wide, brown eyes. JJ is still eating s'mores, although everyone else had finished a while ago.

"I'm gonna go to bed," you say.

Rafe looks up at you, and it's then that you realize you'd been staring at him. He gives you the most subtle nod.

"Goodnight," Kiara says to your back.

"Night," JJ says, in a far-off tone.

You slip out of your shoes, climb in, and zip it up so no bugs slip in. Earlier, you'd taken your things out from your collapsed tent and set them inside on the right side of Rafe's tent. Your sleeping bags are touching.

Since you'd been by the fire for over an hour, you'd gotten used to the warmth. Now that you're in the dark of your tent, under a tree, and you've pulled your socks off, the cold surrounds you. It chills you to the bone, makes you shiver.

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