pt1 - exploration

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word count: 921
Kyle Pov:

It was one of those mornings where i would wake up in the worst mood in the world. i groggily rub my eyes and roll onto my back in frustration as the sound of a ringing phone echoes through my tired mind. I look over and see an incoming call from cartman. i grunt and pick up my phone, answering the call.

"what the fuck do you want? its like 6 in the morning.."
I speak into the phone

"kahl!! me and kenny are hanging out at this abandoned house outside of town in 4 hours, wanna come?"

I groan
"then why did you call me at 6 to invite me to come with you and kenny at 10?!"

I hear cartman giggling annoyingly
"because i knew you'd be all ratty like thi-"

I hang up on him and fall back asleep. stupid piece of shit..


I wake back up at 9:32am, im seemingly in a better mood. i stretch and walk to the bathroom, splashing my face with cold water and brushing my teeth, i spit the toothpaste in the sink when im done and walk to my room.

I pull out a white my chemical romance shirt to wear under my orange coat, i slip on some comfortable cargo pants and converse, before ruffling my hair and placing on my usual green trapper hat.

Ike runs into my room

I smile happily and pick him up
"morning Ike! you sleep well?"

he nods and rubs his eyes yawning

I put him down and watch as he runs downstairs happily, i giggle and follow him, seeing my mom in the living room.

"hey ma! do you think you can drop me just outside of town?"
I smile at her sweetly

"of course bubby! going out with your friends again?"

I nod
"yeah! cartman says they found a place for us to explore"

"thats nice bubbulah, i can drive you if you like"
she smiles at me cheerily

"yay thanks ma!"
I kiss her on the cheek and walk to the kitchen to make breakfast

I slide a piece of toast into the toaster and butter it when it pops, i fix my hair in the mirror and climb into the passenger seat, she climbs into the other seat and we drive 15 minutes to get there.

I see cartman and kenny and i wave at them, i climb out of the car and wave goodbye to my mom, approaching the two.

"kyle! come see what me and cartman found!!"

kenny beckons me over to an abandoned building

"woah dude! is it totally empty?"

I ask amazed

"yeah huh! that means we can explore it!! cartman bought snacks too!"

of course he did


we stay at the house until about 1 or 2 pm, i sit on the grass outside the house while cartman and kenny explore the bedrooms, i notice a river that runs alongside the house, i approach the river and sit by it, then i see him.

i look over and see a boy.. he looks.. lonely. he's wearing a shirt with.. '100% hemp' written on it? i guess this is pretty close to that weed farm about a mile away.. he has poorly bleached blonde hair that probably used to be a jet black colour, alongside this his hair, his eyes are a really pretty deep blue colour, i can see he has headphones on.. he's got black cargo pants on too paired with vans, he's also sitting by the river, he looks super alone like that.. maybe i can talk to him?

kenny comes up behind me

"ooooh someones interested in stan marsh i see?"
he teases

stan marsh?

"how do you know his name?"

I ask curiously

"who doesn't know his name! hes known across the school for being the person that came to the school dance literally wasted!! ohh shit you weren't there were you"

he explains

"why did you never tell me this man? I've never even seen him before.."

I stare at him longingly

"well.. he stood on the table and badmouthed basically everyone there, sure he was drunk but he hasn't exactly got the best reputation now, he barely comes to school anymore the poor guy, i guess people just forgot about him because he stopped showing up"

kenny shrugs

"anyway me and cartman are gonna head to him place, you coming?"

I feel a twinge of guilt for this guy, he's got a bad reputation just for a drunk mistake? it looks like he hasn't got any friends..

"I uhh.. im gonna stay for a bit, i still haven't explored some of the rooms"

I say still looking at the boy

kenny shrugs again

"eh sure, cya later man"

kenny waves at me and i wave back


its been about 10 minutes and I've been nonstop staring at stan.. why am i so transfixed by him? Its just me feeling bad thats all.. should i talk to him?

I admire how his hair moves in the wind and the way his long eyelashes flutter every time he blinks, and before i know it I'm approaching him

I stand next to him awkwardly

he looks up at me with big doe eyes.. they're so pretty...

"uhh.. hello"

he mutters quietly


I mutter back nervously, i feel a weird tingle in my stomach but i ignore it.

he smiles up at me and pats a spot on the grass next to him

"come sit"

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