pt7 - preparation

455 11 26

word count: 651
Kyle Pov:


I wake up in a bath of sweat, i can't tell him, ever, he never has to know anyway, it's probably just a dumb crush in the first place, it'll go away, right?

8 months later

Its october and i still like him, what, the, fuck.

I thought this might just be a dumb little crush but I can't get over him, he's so cute! and he'll never like me.

its his birthday in two days, i gotta plan him out something because I'm his best friend, its gotta be something special, if we were girls it would be this massive party because he's turning 16. maybe i can call it 'stan's sweet sixteen'


nah thats cringe nvm.

okay so he before anything he's gotta have a birthday cake, i know he likes Victoria sponge a lot, which is good because it's easy!! to show him how much i care i can make it myself!! this is gonna be perfect!

i also know he likes astronomy so... ohh! we can go stargazing! omg we can go stargazing at the abandoned house!! eeee this is perfect! maybe.. just maybe.. i can kiss him... no kyle snap out of it!! this is his birthday, stop trying to make it about yourself.. but maybe i can confess..? I mean its been a year that we've been friends.. he wouldn't hate me for this.. would he?

1 day later

okay so stan doesn't actually know we're stargazing, but i asked him today if he liked stargazing and he said yes!! so that's perfect.. im gonna try make the cake now..

i grab a bowl and get the ingredients, i measure out the flour and sugar and mix everything together, 50 minutes later i have a cake, perfect!! okay icing..

when im finished the cake i stand back and admire it, its Victoria sponge cake with blue and red icing, I hope he likes it!!

okay okay i gotta go sneakily set up for the stargazing.

i jump in the car and drive the 15 minutes to the spot and see stan sitting by the river like usual
(he can drive now because he's 15)

I sneakily pull up and creep out of the car to the house, stan would sit about 10 meters away from the house so he was unlikely to hear me, plus he's probably listening to music.

I lay down a grey blanket i bought and place loads of pillows around, this is the second floor so its even less chance he's gonna see it before i take him here.

the house also has no roof, so we can just stare up at the sky here, its perfect!!

i set up some cute fairy lights around and prepare the finishing touches, it looks so comfy! the pillows and blankets and lights, i'm sure he'll love it!!

I drive back home and check on the cake, i put it in the cupboard for tomorrow and run upstairs to prepare him a card and wrap up his gift!!

'dear my bestest friend stan,

u deserve everything in the whole wide world served to u on a silver platter!! ur my favourite person ever and ur just so amazing!! I have a big surprise planned out for u so I hope u really enjoy it!! i hope you like your gift too, it reminded me of u so i got it <3

lots and lots and lots and LOTS of love
ur sbsf,


I seal the envelope with the letter inside and write 'STAN' on the back inside a big heart.

I wrap his gift up, it's a cute little box with a bracelet inside that says 'beloved'.

I'm a little nervous he'll take it the wrong way but I'm really excited to give him his gifts!!

the next day

stans birthday!! I gotta call him!!

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