pt4 - nausea

581 11 62

word count: 469
Stan Pov:


I smile and turn my face to kyles, kyle smiles back at me and puts an arm around my shoulder, i put mine around his waist and lean into him, this is perfect.. i finally have friends again.. this can be a new start for me!!


I spy my old group of friends on a separate table, my cousin, craig tucker, his boyfriend tweek tweak, jimmy valmer, tolkein black, clyde donovan and bebe stevens.. i feel a knot form in my stomach, i feel like im gonna puke.

"are you okay?"

kyle asks me, an expression of concern on his face, i was lightly trembling and so much as glancing at my old friend group made me feel nauseous in my stomach.

"I uhh.."

i look back towards the table, everyone was chatting.

"I dont feel so well.."

I admit, clutching my stomach.

"oh do you feel sick? do you want some water?"

he looks at me compassionately and places a hand on my stomach gently, god he's so caring..

I nod and he hands me his water bottle.

I swig out of it and ignore my old friend group, when im done i place it lightly and the table.


kyle asks smiling and rubbing my stomach, ahh hes so gentle and sweet and adorable oh godddd!!!.

"awww you guysss look at how gay kyle is stan"

cartman interrupts, pouting and sipping out of a milk box, looking amused.

kyle rolls his eyes at cartman and mutters under his breath.

"theres nothing wrong with being gay cartman"

and he supports gays? marry me.

"oh i didn't say it was wrong, i just said you were gay for him"

cartman continues teasing us but kyle ignores him and continues eating


"hey ky?"

I tap him on the shoulder as we're leaving the cafeteria.

"hm? yeah man?"

he looks back and smiles warmly

"thanks alot for helping me.. you're a really good person"

I hug you and nuzzle my face into your chest.

Kyle Pov:


I hug back happily and place my chin on your head.

"o-oh no problem man.."

I feel myself blush so hard, he's so cute and tiny and adorable, i think im falling for him, he's just too cute!!

"hey dude.. do you wanna come to my house after school..? only if you want to though.."

he asks, his voice trails off and i blush more.

"oh of course!"

i reply happily, still hugging him.

"great! I'll meet you after literature then?"

i stim happily and squeeze him, spinning us around.

"mhm!! I'll be there!"

he giggles and hugs me back tight, I've never felt this kind of connection to someone else before.. it felt.. good..

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