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Andre and Laura tell you what they've heard so now you know that Jessica is aware and basically support your relationship, at least it looked like it. You note to yourself to stay discreet though, you don't want the whole school to know about this. As you enter the building and see the set and cameras, a wave of excitement runs through the class. Everyone looks around impressed not daring to move or say anything. As you all stand awkwardly, you see Charlize walking to a guy and hugging him. You frown as your friends gasp quietly knowing you're the jealous type. The two of them come back to the group and Charlize introduces the man. "I'd like you to meet my friend David Leitch, if we're here today it's mostly because of him." The other students take a moment to thank him as you remain silent still trying to study their relationship. They explain how the day is going to go and you make two groups of students to be more efficient. Fortunately you're all together with your friends and there's a couple of other random people with you.

Charlize is taking charge of your group as Jessica leaves with the second one. She winks at you and says "No trouble alright?" before to go. You smile. "I'll do my best!" Max laughs next to you. "You liar!" You put your finger in front of your mouth. "Sshhhh" Your group goes to the room when they keep the costumes first then some guy explains stuff about the cameras and finally the best part, you get to watch the actors play a scene. Charlize is behind the group and David joins her during the scene since he's only helping the director, not directing the movie himself. You should listen and take notes but you can't help to listen to their conversation and your friends too.

David: Have you considered my offer?
Charlize: I'm still thinking about it.
David: I don't want to rush you but you know...
Charlize: Of course, you need an answer.
David: Yes and once again you'll be perfect for the part.

You frown and whisper to your friends "What part?" They shrug as you keep listening.

Charlize: I don't know David, it's been so long.
David: Precisely, don't you miss acting?
Charlize: I do.
David: It'll feel natural to go back to it, trust me.
Charlize: I know I just have some things holding me back.
David: Like what? Your students? You did enough for them Charlize, you've been teaching for years now.
Charlize: I know but something changed.

You wonder if she's talking about you, she must be. Right?

David: Think about yourself too, that's all I'm saying.
Charlize: I will, thanks David, I'll let you know by the end of the week.
David: Wonderful! Thank you Charlize.

He affectionately squeezes her shoulder and goes back to his work. You look at her and notice she's in her head but it's not the moment to bring up what you've heard. Katy touches your arm to get your attention already knowing what is going through your head. "Whatever is going on, I'm sure she's planning on telling  you soon." You mutter a thank you and try to focus on the scene. After a little while of retakes and stuff, Charlize joins you and touches your shoulder softly as she stands next to you. "So, do you appreciate the day?" Your friends nod as you reply. "Of course, it's insane to be here." She smiles as you think of asking about the conversation. "Hey by the way, what were you talking about with David? You looked... upset." Her smile fades a little bit but she's a good actress. "Oh nothing, just catching up it's been a long time since we've seen each other." You mutter a little "right" to yourself and notice your friends staring at you like to say "Relax it's not the right time."

Charlize notices that you're not telling her everything but she doesn't bring it up yet either. She takes one of your hands discreetly and whispers to you. "Is everything okay dear?" You flinch and remove your hand from hers. "Yeah I'm cool, just need some air." As you say that, you walk away to go outside and leave Charlize with your friends. She looks at them to get an explanation so Katy helps a bit. "I don't know what's up but the sooner she'll know, the better." She gets it right away and sigh. "Shit. Alright tell the class to stay here, I'll be back in a minute." She leaves to your direction and it doesn't take her a lot of time to find you. You were just walking on an empty part of the parking. Charlize joins you and grabs your shoulder to announce her presence. You fake smile and keep walking around. "Don't worry, I said I'm good." The older woman goes in front of you to prevent you from moving again. "Don't lie to me (y/n)." You frown. "So I can't lie but you can? What is the part David was talking about and why are you trying to hide it from me?"

"(y/n) not now." "Why not?" She takes a deep breath and gives you the harsh teacher gaze. "I have a class to take care of right now and I was planning on telling you later anyway." You try to walk past her but she grabs your arm firmly. "This is not the moment to give me your spoiled and capricious kid act (y/n)." You pull yourself out of her grip. "Excuse me? Spoiled? I don't know my dad, my mom is in jail and my only family is my 4 friends. If that's how you see me Charlize well then go fuck yourself." You start leaving but she follows you. "(y/n) I already told you to not talk to me like that." You turn around to face her. "I don't fucking care Charlize, how do you expect us to be a couple if you don't share anything with me? I just want some explanations. If it's too much to ask for, perhaps we don't have anything to do together." You leave this time running a bit to escape her. She doesn't try to catch you thinking it's probably better to let you calm down. She goes back inside without you and it doesn't go unnoticed by your friends. Max is the first to ask about you.

Charlize just tells them you had an argument but doesn't go into details. The class had a free moment to talk to the staff and everything so Charlize allows your friends to go look for you.
You were searching for a nice hiding spot so you just go back to the bus and hide behind it so nobody can see you. You eventually tell your friends your location after several messages of them harassing you. They join you soon enough sitting against the bus like you. You're the first to say something. "What did she say?" Laura replies. "Just that you got into an argument. What happened?"

It's been a while sorryyy for not posting for so long, I don't like it either but I don't have as much free time as before! I'm doing my best guys, it's a promise. Anyway I live for the drama. You know I'm just playin, my girls will always end up together and happy but I don't mind some entertainment hehe 👀

-Djedje <3 

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