13. unexplainable hatred

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"Hey, guys!" Kaminari waved.

You happily waved back, and Izuku proceeded to do the same—albeit more shyly. It was the first time he'd actually agreed to come and hang out with Kaminari as well. He usually insisted that you spend time together alone, saying self-deprecating things like, "He'll just think I'm boring", or, "You'll have more fun without me". But today, you'd finally managed to convince him. He'd been training like crazy to keep up with All Might's regimen, even regularly waking up at ungodly hours. You felt like he deserved a little break.

"It's been a while since I've seen you, Midoriya," Kaminari remarked. "Not since we met at the shopping mall. Have you been ghosting me?"

Izuku stiffened up. "O-Of course not! I just, um... I'm not super good at this kind of stuff. [Name] is the only friend I have. Sorry if it came across that way."

"Relax," Kaminari mused. "I was only kidding. Anyways, I'm glad you're here now. Let's grab some food!"

You made your way over to the restaurant Kaminari had picked out. It seemed pretty casual, which was a good thing, because you certainly weren't dressed to the nines. And speaking of attire, you couldn't help but note the difference between the two boys. Izuku almost always wore a simple shirt with some sort of writing on it; Kaminari, on the other hand, opted for something a bit more elaborate. It wasn't over-the-top or anything, but it definitely looked like put quite some thought into his appearance.

"Kaminari, are you fashionable?" you asked.

He blinked a few times. "Um... are you asking me or telling me?"

"Asking. There's a lot about fashion that I still don't know. But to me, at least, you seem pretty fashionable."

"Really?" He grinned widely at your comment. You supposed it was the sort of thing he took pride in. "Well, if a cute girl like you says so, then I guess I'm doing something right!"

"You call me cute a lot," you hummed.

"That's because you are!"

"Hehe. Thanks." You turned towards Izuku with a smile. "Izuku, do you think so too?"

Unsurprisingly, he turned beet red. Well, you'd expected as much when you asked the question. Part of you was in a teasing mood.

He averted his gaze and swallowed. "Y-You are. Of course you are, [Name]."

"I'm what?"

"You're... um... c-cute."

Mission accomplished.

You felt quite proud of yourself for some reason, and you sat down with a smug expression. Izuku timidly sat next to you; meanwhile, Kaminari sat across from you.

"This place has really great stuff," Kaminari insisted. "I come here all the time."

You nodded politely. Human food was definitely yummy, but frankly speaking, nothing even came close to the taste of good blood, like Izuku's. Even Katsuki's was pretty high up there, which was surprising, considering he had the personality of flaming trash.

Still, you were here with your friends. Food aside, that was the most important part.

Everyone took the time to look over the menu, then you each ordered what you wanted. Once that was all done and sorted, Kaminari leaned across the table with a big grin.

"So," he began. "What sort of Quirks do you guys have?"


It was safe to say that you hadn't been expecting that kind of question. Although now that you thought about it, it made sense that he would want to know. Based on what Izuku had told you, the overwhelming majority of the population had a Quirk. Being Quirkless, like him, was an incredibly rare phenomenon. Talking about your powers with friends and even just acquaintances was probably super common.

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