15. just vampire things

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Katsuki felt like he was going insane.

It was the second time you were drinking his blood, but unlike before, he wasn't fighting to try and break away. The sensation of your fangs digging deep into his skin still hurt like a bitch, that was for sure, but in spite of that, he wasn't making you stop.

He just stood there, letting his arms hang limply by his sides, cheeks bright red and eyes squeezed shut as you licked and sucked at his skin.

This is fucked up, he thought. What the hell is wrong with her? No way is this normal.

Worse yet, people were starting to glance in your direction. They probably couldn't tell exactly what was going on from afar, but you had your arms wrapped around him and your lips pressed against his neck, so either way it made for an intimate picture. Katsuki felt like screaming at them to turn the fuck around and mind their own business, but he was too mortified to risk drawing any more attention to himself.

Also, he wasn't sure why exactly, but it felt like you needed this. Tears kept streaming down your cheeks as you held him close and swallowed more and more of his blood. He was starting to get dizzy by this point. It was a good thing he hadn't taken any damage during the entrance exam, because he doubted his body would have been able to handle what you were putting him through right now.

"It... hurts," Katsuki grimaced. He still didn't shove you away, though. He almost felt like doing that would be an admission of defeat. It was fine. He wasn't a wimp. He could handle this much, easily.

For the first time, it looked like his words had reached you, because you pulled away for a moment and gazed at him with glossy eyes. Your lips were coated in his blood; some of it was even smeared across one of your cheeks. His gut instinct told him that he should feel horrified, but unfortunately, that wasn't at all the case.

What the fuck was wrong with him that he thought you still looked pretty even in your current state?

"I'm sorry," you breathed. You squeezed him tight as a sort of consolation, and he couldn't help but let out a little gasp. Then, you leaned your head against his shoulder and sighed. "Thank you, Katsuki. I feel a lot better now. I really needed that. If I didn't get any blood... things would've been bad. I was getting too weak to even function."

Katsuki had been clenching his jaw so hard that he was starting to get a headache. And holy hell was his face on fire.

"Get off me," he finally managed, realizing that you'd recovered somewhat. The color had returned to your face, and you now seemed a bit steadier on your feet. It was as if drinking his blood had cured you somehow.

As much as Katsuki was tempted to just storm away out of embarrassment, he wanted answers.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" he snapped. "What kind of person goes around biting others in the neck, huh? And why were you crying like you were going to die if I didn't let you drink my blood? You really are sick in the head."

You gave him a tired look, even chuckling humorlessly. "Right. I guess I never technically told you. This is how my Quirk works. I need to drink blood to sustain myself. The more I drink, the stronger I get, but if I exert myself too much or go too long without any blood, then I become super weak instead. It's a pretty uncomfortable feeling, so that's why I looked so desperate. Anyways. You can be a real asshole at times, but you did just save me, so I know I should give credit where it's due."

"A Quirk that requires you to drink blood?" Katsuki frowned, not looking too convinced. "The hell's up with that? Are you a vampire or some shit?"

"Maybe I am," you mused.

Bloodthirst | BNHA x Vampire!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now