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It's been around a month now, and they've all become much closer. Hao still keeps his distance from Hanbin, while Hanbin tries to get closer to Hao.

They had finished the project successfully and received good feedback.
They're constantly hanging out with each other, even after the project was finished.

Currently they're in business class.
"Get me out of here." Yujin whines looking at Hanbin, who gave him a stern look.
Of course the class president wouldn't understand him, he thought while rolling his eyes.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, the principal walked in and everyone stood up next to their desks.
"Good morning, please take a seat." The students get seated again.
"I would like to inform you all, that you will be going on a camping trip, with the other business students. Mr Smith will give you the information book, on there you will find all the necessary info you need."
She gives one last look around the class, and then walks out without another word.

"OH YEAH CAMPING TRIP!" The students yelled.

It was now lunch and everyone was talking about the trip.
"I'm so excited!" Matthew says placing his tray on the table, while taking a seat.
"Look at the room arrangement in the info book." Jiwoong says as he sits down next to Matthew.
"Ah here. Wait hold on guys." Taerae's eyes get big, looking almost offended.
"We're literally sleeping in tents, in pairs of two. Oh best thing is, we can't decide who we pair up with." Taerae says sarcastically, rolling his eyes.
"Tent?" Ricky looks shocked.

The last thing that man needed was to sleep out in the open in a tent.
But Ricky wasn't the only one not feeling the trip, Hao kept on flipping through the pages with all the information, walks through the forest, other activities making him cringe.

"Our phones get taken in the daytime?!" Hao screamed after reading that.
Everyone whipped their head looking at him, processing what he just said.
"EXCUSE ME?" Gyuvin fake cries.
"Come on guys it'll be fun!" Hanbin says smiling.

Then suddenly all the heads turn slowly to Hanbin. Hanbin is class president, meaning he knew about this trip.
"You helped them arrange this nature trip didn't you!" Yujin shakes Hanbin violently.
"I- didn't - do - anything-" Hanbin tries to speak while he's being shaken.
"Guys what the actual fuck is this? We'll be setting our tents up INSIDE the forest?!" Hao is not fond of the dark, and definitely not sleeping inside some dark forest!

"I have nothing to do with this, there was a meeting and they asked what would be fun! I just said going on a trip somewhere... in nature." Hanbin spoke the last words so quiet that if you didn't focus you wouldn't have heard it.
"In nature?! Do you have any idea how many bugs there are in a forest! I'm not closing my eyes even for one second!" Taerae says dramatically.
"I think it'll be good when we don't have our phones! It'll be healing." Gunwook says chuckling at Taerae.
"You know what else is healing, when I'm being eaten by a snake while I can't even call an ambulance!" Ricky says shoving the last bit of food in his mouth. 

They keep on talking about the trip, some are looking forward to it.
Ricky and Hao have decided that this trip will be the death of them.
Matthew said he felt like big things were going to happen there. And with that statement he wasn't wrong. Taerae is thinking of a good reason to not show up, which none of them will work out and he'll just end up going.
Gyuvin and Yujin are trying to think of a plan how to sneak their phone with them in the daytime.
Jiwoong, Gunwook and Hanbin are genuinely not bothered by the rules and are excited to go.

The bell rang and they quickly stand up, putting the tray away.
Gyuvin quickly moves over to Ricky.
"Ricky?" He says just loud enough for Ricky to hear.
"Yeah?" He says turning around.

Ricky and Gyuvin had become much closer, even though whenever they were alone they felt shy and flustered. Or when they would hug each other it felt different than with their other friends.

"For the trip do you want to sit next to me in the bus?" Gyuvin asked hopeful, he really gets drawn to Ricky. He doesn't really know why, but he always wants to spend time with him.
"Yeah of course." Ricky answers happily, already looking forward to it.


School was finally finished and Ricky was driving his best friends home.
"Like imagine I'm in a tent with Rowan, I am just leaving there by foot. You will not see me, or hear from me." Matthew says shivering at the thought of sharing with him.
"Be for real right now imagine it's Ash.." Taerae says while acting like he's throwing up.

"Oh about the bus ride, I'm going to be seated next to Gyuvin." Ricky casually said.
"WHAT?!" Hao looks over to him shocked.
"How could you do this to me, with who am I even going to sit?" Hao asks dramatically.
"Maybe.. with your man?" Taerae jokes, getting hit on his head by Hao.
"Ricky is a traitor." Hao half jokes as he smacks his blonde friend.
Matthew quickly puts the song 'Traitor' on by Olivia Rodrigo, making them burst out laughing and Hao giving them a 'are you serious' look.
"Oh come on Hao, we all know it's going to end up like that. Plus don't you even lie, deep down you'd even go sit next to him if there was no space anymore." Matthew winks at him.

Maybe he should just stay home and never leave his house ever again, Hao thought.

"You know if you aren't crushing on him, why can't you just sit next to him? Like he's just a friend riggghtt." Ricky smirks knowing he definitely won this one.
"You know what ?! Then I'll ask him to sit next to me! Jokes on allll of you! I'm not in love with this man, you'll see me in that bus next to him! Oh I will prove you all wrong! In fact let me text him right now!" Hao takes out his phone, showing it to everyone dramatically.

Sung Hanbin

Hello Hanbin.

Hi Hao!
Is everything okay? What are you doing? ^^

I'm fine, I'm in a car.
Would you mind sitting next to me in the bus?

For the trip? Yes of course! I'm really excited for the trip :)

"Bitch you are so dry, 'I'm fine, I'm in a car', what are you going for here? Robot style? So romantic really." Taerae hands back Hao's phone as he read the texts.
"This is to prove I'm NOT in love, so thank you very much." Hao sassed rolling his eyes.
"Yeah whatever, can you just get out of my car now. We've been standing in front of your house for about 10 minutes." Ricky says monotone pointing towards Hao's house.

He rushes out of the car almost falling over as he walks away.
"And that man claims to not be in love with Hanbin.." Matthew laughs as he notices Hao got another notification.

I'd literally cry if I had to go on some camping trip in the middle of a forest-

I couldn't care less! [Haobin]Where stories live. Discover now