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They had been playing for a while, there were knowledge questions on there, also some sport questions. Hanbin and Hao had been doing great, and right now they were in 1st place.

"I'm so tired, but we have to keep looking! We have to win!" Hao says focused, looking around to find more envelopes.
Hanbin chuckles at Hao, Hao immediately turned his head confused.

"What's funny?" Hao says sassily as he placed his hands on his hips raising his brow.
"You look cute when you're all focused." Hanbin comes really close to Hao, making him gulp. He leaned closer making Hao really flustered and unable to move.

What's going on, we're practically one body!Hao thought to himself.
"Tadaaa," Hanbin laughs as he pulls back, seeing Hao's flushed face "Envelope!" He says as he distances himself from Hao.
"What." Hao said with an annoyed face.

Why did Hao even think different, of course Hanbin wouldn't kiss him! No way mister class president would ever right?! Why was he even annoyed right now, it's not like he wants to.. right? It's great he found an envelope.. Hao wants to be happy but for some reason he felt even more annoyed.

Whenever Hanbin gets really close he feels flustered, he would just want to kiss him right there on the spot. But Hanbin is just always acting like a friend to him.. a really close friend. Or at least that's what Hao thinks.

"Hao you okay?" Hanbin asks worried as he sees Hao not giving any sort of reaction.
"I wish I was a damn envelope, apparently they get all your attention." Hao mumbles, not thinking Hanbin would hear what he said.

"Are you jealous of an.. envelope?" Hanbin tried to hold in his laugh, smiling brightly at Hao.
"What if I was?" Hao wasn't even thinking anymore, his annoyance was taking over and at this point he would say anything.

Hao was about to walk away as he suddenly felt an arm pull him back. Hao was now standing in front of Hanbin, he did not look up at him. He just stared down, that was until Hanbin suddenly repositioned Hao's head to look him right in the eyes.

"You do know you're more important than an.. envelope right..?" Hanbin says almost laughing. He couldn't understand why Hao was suddenly 'jealous' of an envelope. But he did find it cute.

Everything Hao does is amazing in Hanbin's eyes, he just wished Hao would like him more than a friend. But Hao just thought of him like a great friend.. right?

"Nevermind it's stupid, I'm just tired." Hao says trying to avoid eyecontact, which was impossible because Hanbin was holding his face.
"It's not stupid, let's finish and we'll win this game. Then you can go rest." Hanbin pulls Hao in a hug, making him flustered again.

I think I'm going to die on this camp, it's unhealthy for me to be around someone I like! It's tiring and I feel like I can't breath, where is air when you need it?! Has air always been this expensive?! Because I'm not breathing enough of that! Hao thought as he was hugging Hanbin.


The game had finally ended and all the students were now gathered in front of the cabin. They were all waiting for the results of who won.

"Where were you guys even?" Matthew asks Gyuvin and Ricky. As no one had even spotted them once.

Hanbin and Hao look at each other then at the two who looked very suspicious.

"Does Gyuvin still have diarrhea?" Jiwoong asks with a confused look on his face.
"Can we stop talking about the diarrhea?" Gyuvin says as he facepalms recalling memories of the lie.

"Yeah where were you guys," Hanbin says smug giving them both a look.
"I bet you had a better time than us, I hated that game! Who even wrote those stupid questions!" Taerae says annoyed, knowing they definitely didn't win.
"Oh I bet you they had a way better time!" Hao says smirking as he sees the look on their faces.
"I-" Ricky started but got interrupted. (Ricky has a hard life.)

"Okay students! We'll now reveal the winning team!" Ms Shay said way too excited.

"It has to be us!" Matthew says almost jumping from excitement.
"I didn't fall into the water for nothing, we have to win!" Jiwoong says as he recalls falling into the water because he tried to reach an envelope. (Matthew didn't help instead he had the time of his life laughing.)

"Hao and Hanbin! Or as I call them Haobin!" She yelled excited.
Hanbin hugged Hao like there was no tomorrow.

"As expected from our class president!" Hana said patting his back. Without much thought Hao gave her the most nasty look ever, making Hanbin burst out laughing.
He dragged Hao to ms Shay to receive the 'prize'.

"You must be excited for the prize!" The mentors said.
They both nodded, really wanting something fun and not some stupid toy trophy.
"Tomorrow when the students have to clean the cafeteria cabin, you can have free! And you can use your phone too."

They were cheering, that ment more free time. Hao already pictured himself just sleeping after he was done eating.

"Thanks to you Hao, we won!" Hanbin smiles.
His smile is so genuine, Hao could look at it forever. Whenever he sees it, it's like the world around him just stops and it's just him and Hanbin.

He doesn't just like Hanbin, he's actually falling in love.
And that scares Hao, because he doesn't need a broken heart again. It's hard to love, it's hard to heal.
He doesn't ever want to lose Hanbin as a friend either.

It's fucked up. What more can you say.

Hey hey I'm back 😩
I'm extremely tired, it's almost 1am, I'm posting this without re-reading. So I'm sorry if there are mistakes, I'll fix them in the morning. I just wanted to update for you guys! But this chapter isn't that great tbh😭

I couldn't care less! [Haobin]Where stories live. Discover now