Chapter 28

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Author's Pov

Divya's and Rhagav's parents  along with Dhruv and Aditi who were equally shocked and were standing stunned. Seeing Rhagav and Divya getting married.
They arrived just at the moment when Rhagav placed the sindoor on her hair partition and mangalautra around Divya's neck.
Rhagav noticed them first and seeing Rhagav looking at something or someone with wide open fear filled eyes, Divya turned to that direction and both of them were scared, happy to see their parents and upset on their current situation.
After panditji declared them Man and Wife, he asked them to blessings from all the elders.
Divya's mother came up to the mandaph and made Divya forcefully stand and slapped her across her face. Everyone was shocked her father tried to stopped her mother and then Rhagav's parents also came to question them but before anyone could ask anything Dhruv interrupt in between understanding the gravity of the situation he said "EVERYONE I HOPE EVERYTHING IS WELL AND DONE. I'M DIVYA'S BROTHER DHRUV AND MY WIFE ADITI AND THESE ARE OURS AND RHAGAV'S PARENTS, SO THEY GOT MARRIED HERE AGAIN WITHOUT INFORMING US THAT'S WHY OUR ELDERS ARE A LITTLE ANGRY. IF YOU ALL PERMIT US CAN WE TALK TO DIVYA AND RHAGAV IN PRIVATE " Dhruv spike to all the villagers witnessing the weeding. Many of them started talking wrongs about them so Dadiji was the one to speak " Yes yes. And we are very happy to welcome Rhagav and Divya beti's parents. Welcome to you all. Please have a talk in private but before that I just want to clarify this to Rhagav and Divya's parents that the children didn't do this on their own they were just helpless to do this. Actually their is a weeding in the village of Ria but due to some issues the groom's family wanted us to perform a ritual in which before the actual couple gets married a newly weeded couple should get married again in the same mandap. And they said if this ritual in not performed then Ria's weeding will be cancelled at the last moment. So whateverthey did it is just to help us so pleasedont get angry" Dadiji said everything joining her hands 🙏
and then showed them a room where Divya Rhagav Dhruv Aditi along with the parents went in. And all this while Dhruv was trying to control the mother's so that they don't react in a way that will make them fall in any  trouble because he was aware that this villagers are tribal and can be dangerous, and if they see unmarried men and women together in their area they either punish them with torture or kill them straight.
"So what do you think was that? Was that a joke or something huh? What was that old lady talking about? Huh! You both decided to get married on your own?" This was first question that Rhagav's mother asked as soon as they got inside the room and locked it.
"Mamma actually.." Divya stated but her mother stopped her from speaking showing her hand ✋️.
"Don't call me Mamma! What Divu What do you think of yourself now!? You are married for God's scake!" Divya's mom was speaking but Rhagav cut in and said "Aunty we are still not registered as legal so it not..." And this time he was slapped hard across his his to everyone shock it was Rhagav's father, the man who have never forced his son for anything, the man whom Rhagav was the closest, the man who never raised his voice to scold Rhagav for any mistake, he was the coolest dad and more than a father he was Rhagav's buddy and today he slapped him and said "STUP UP!! YOU THINK MARRIAGE IS A JOKE? AND YOU BOTH FIRST DECIDED TO GET MARRIED WITHOUT EVEN INFORMING AND NOW" he took a deep breath and continued "And now you think and expect us to take shit as a we can't, you guys are not children but adults now! Abd you should know to respect and learn the importance of this marriage and in no way you people are declaring this marriage As illegal." Rhagav's dad spoke or more like announced and everyone seemed to be convinced with whatever he said "You are right Rahul, we should leave from here immediately as soon as we reach Lucknow we will get their marriage registered" Divya's dad spoke.
"Ok we don't have any problem either, our families know each other since ages and the relation of friendship is now changed to family. I always love Rhagav so I have no problem. What say Anu and Rahul bhaiya?" Divya's mom said
"Ofcause Nei! I love Divya more than my Rhagav, she is my own daughter not by blood but bond. I always wanted Divya as my child. And now nothing else can be done the kids did what they have to and now we need to rectify whatever they did. And to be honest I'm happy if my kids are happy! So Rahul let's go back and get them registered." Rhagav's mom said.
Divya eyes were swollen due to crying and their was fire inside Rhagav firstly he had to marry Divya forcefully, secondly their parents reached at the most unexpected moment now the marriage is going to legal, which he never wanted! And lastly his dad, his buddy not only shouted but slapped him. Since his childhood till today he had not even raised his voice at Rhagav for scolding leave alone slapping him but today he... Rhagav knew his dad must be very upset after this slapping incident.At this moment he wanted break everything infront of him, but controlled himself really hard because he know what he said and how so ever he reacted it was according to the situation. Bit he doesn't want this marriage, he doesn't even know if he'll ever be able to give this marriage a chance and give Divya  her rights as a wife.
On the other Divya was felling extremely heartbroken, vulnerable, angry and sorry for Rhagav,  though she is a very strong and power women, she is independent of surviving on her own but she eventually fall weak when things are related to Rhagav,  and she feels so frustrated about it. Right now she has nothing to do or say, she also knows this that even if she tries to console Rhagav he will blame her for the situation. And she is right now too exhausted from everyone and everything around her, so she decides to just go with the flow.

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