Chapter 32

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Divya's Pov

Hearing mom laughing Rhagav shouted from inside the closet "Mom you should have told me..their are people besides you...seriously mom!!"
Still laughing mom replied "Oh please you firstly noticed your wife Divya only and not me..and then if you are talking about Seetalji and me seeing you topless then let me remind you that we both have seen you naked many time when you were a kid. So there is no reason to be shy infront of us you know"..I some how suppressed my laughter but couldn't hold back that stupid smile on my face. And seetalji who was a lady in her late 50's was working with Chaudharys since a long so she nodding her head and lightly laughing agreed to mom.
Both were laughing like anything and hearing that Rhagav again shouted "Mom please I was a kid back then when you have seen me...umm that..I AM NO MORE A KID MOM.."
But mom replied "yeah yeahh but you can't deny that both Seetalji and I have seen you naked, Aree baba Seetalji had even showed you so many time when I used to be late or stuck because of meetings and all. Huhh if you want to just showcase your self just to your wife that's a different thing...we understand." She was teasing him so much and I am trying so hard to control myself from brusting into laughter.
"MOM.." Rhagav shouted. "Ok ok baba I'll you come out I need to show Divya the house..and you have go na! To buy a new phone!? So go...and come back before kumarji come." Mom said controlling her laugh. So now after several mintues Rhagav came out wearing a Tshirt and jeans. His hair was a bit messy but that's looks so hot on him.
He trimmed his beard a little. Taking his keys from the study table beside the sofa he eyed me for a minute then went straight out nodding to Seetalji.
"Be back before kumarji safe byeee" mom said.."yepp" he replied with 'p' pop.
For the next half an hour mom along with seetalji gave a tour of the house cum mansion.
After almost an hour Rhagav came back buying a new phone with him arrived whom I assumed is kumarji, looking at Rhagav's sulking mood.
Kumarji confirmed all the formalities of registration and we signed the papers with mom dad and my mumma dada on video call as witness. That's all we are officially and legally married to each other according to the hindu marriage act of our democracy. After completing everything Kumarji bid us bye and dad went to see off him.
Situation became more awfully awkward because Rhagav's relatives walked in..His Bua (parental aunty) and her husband. This was totally unexpected for even mom dad as they aren't expecting them to arrive. Buaji and her husband were confused to see a girl as in a newly weeded bride in Chaudhary mansion and were even more shocked to know me as their daughter-in-law and Rhagav's wife.
After a lot of drama Rhagav's maternal grandparents[ nani and nanu] came along with parental grandmother [Dadi] and mom dad convinced them and explained everything to them Nani Dadi and Nanu were happy with the situation and with Rhagav getting married to someone who he knows since childhood and even blessed 🙌 us happily. But his aunty ( buaji) was a bit nosy and continously complained and talked rubbish about me and my parents but when she said spitting venom"we don't even know how are parents have raised her that she accepted this marriage so easily I think seeing the richness only she accepted the proposal moreover we don't even know her you, bhabhi accept our daughter-in-law..uff bhabi you are also the same..but remember if you make a street dog wear a expensive belt it will not become a mansion's pet dog...and if such things started to happen na..then we won't have had such different and expensive breeds of dog around us " Mom angrily started saying "Look Malti...." But was interrupted by Rhagav's angry voice "BUAJI...Done are you done with your nonsense. Then please leave because I don't care if your are my dad's sister or not BUT YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO TALK TO MY WIFE LIKE THAT BRFORE SAYING ANYTHING TO HER MAKE SURE TO LOOK AT YOURSELF, just like you have kept this relationship with us because of money and all that, doesn't mean my wife is like you. She is my wife, MY LEGALLY WEDDED WIFE, one word against her and see how badly I screw you. Moreover she is in a much higher post than anyone else here especially you are no one to decide what her character when was or is she is so capable and powerful that she herself can throw you out of this city. She is an officer an IPS officer and I'm so so proud to say this. Say another word Buaji to her or her parents or even to my Mom Dad and see what will i do to you.!!"
Rhagav said and huffed angrily. Mom and Dadi kept their hands on his shoulder and Dadi signed mom to speak this time nodding mom came to me and wiped my tears which I haven't even noticed I had in my eyes and cheeks. I was so so touched and overwhelmed with what Rhagav said and how instantly he protected me and supported me that i couldn't think of anything else,Dadi Dad and Mom patted my head lovingly and Mom changing her expression turned to Buaji.."Malti...I hope I don't have to say anything to say cause my son already did the needful. Next time if you ever speak ill of my daughter I will make sure to do something that will make you regret opening your mouth in the future. LEAVE, LEAVE my house before I call the guards to do so." And Buaji turned to Dad and glared at him " Bhaiya won't you say anything to your wife and this son of yours. I'm your sister look how they are insulting me in front of you"
"Seriously Malti..!! Look at yourself for once..and don't forget you are standing in our property. And by ours I mean MINE and MY WIFE'S property and along with us OUR SON and HIS WIFE has all rights over everything that belongs to both of us, here no one is stranger we are family. If anyone is stranger here than it's You to me now. I don't know this women this lady who is so money minded standing infront of me. This is not my sister. And even if you are but you have got no right to speak to my wife like that, get that!? Haven't she treated you like her own sister maybe more than that but you... do as she said get out please." Dad spoke being very disappointed.
Buaji still hold her grounds stubbornly and huffing and glaring angrily at me and mom she went out with her husband saying that All will regret bringing me as Rhagav's wife.
Dadi came to me and joined her hands infront of me but I quickly hold her hands and she spoke in a sad voice "Baccha I'm so sorry on my daughter's behalf. I never knew she has become like this so poisonous so money minded. I am very happy that Rhagav finally has someone like you in his life. And so proud that you both work together as officers never leave his side beta." I nod my head and said "Dadi it's OK. And I will never leave him alone"
"Bless you" she said.
Nani and nanu said the same thing and blessed me.

It's almost 4 in the afternoon and after we were sitting in the hall having our evening tea. I helped the cooks to serve the tea. And after talking to my parents Nani Dadi and Nanu were even more happy. They especially wanted to meet our bundle of joy Ishan. As they saw him and got to know about di and his story while video calling with Mumma and dadda.
Suddenly Nani said "uhh so today is Suhagrat if I'm not wrong Hai na!?" And we froze..Rhagav started coughing as he choked the coffee.
"Yes right! Today is Suhagrat (First night) so make arrangements for it Anu. Comeon" Dadi also added.
Mom gave a helpless look to me and dad and Dad just shrugged his shoulders and walked away being awkward a little. "Ahh maa..mummyji Ahh I mean.. they won't be comfortable around each other so.." Mom said.
"Aree? To make them comfortable only..they need to spend time together alone without anyone's disturbance. If they continue to be around us like this.. then tohh..leave it. Moreover they are married. They are man and wife for each other. And if they don't spend time together alone how will they trust, respect and become comfortable to each other. I think you should arrange Suhagrat for them together and then after a week send them to honeymoon. I'm booking the tickets. " Dadi said and Nanu shifted a bit uncomfortably because of the conversation but still when Both the old ladies looked at him and indicated him to book the tickets he nooded looking down saying ok..
I was so shocked and studded with everything happening to me since yesterday that I wasn't in a position to speak or say anything but one thing is very clear that
Dadi and Nani were very cool and Jolly ladies nothing like oldies with typical mindset and Nanu is like like that Bechara ( helpless) boyfriend stuck between two best friends. After Dadu's death Nani actually became Dadi's besties most of the time these three spend time together. Anyway somehow I find my voice and spoke
"NOOO NOO WE..HONEYMOON NOO" Rhagav and I both shouted at the same time "why no you will go it's an order" Nani said "But dadi.." I started but dadi cut me off " if but nothing you both are going,that final"
"No dadi we are not going and that's what is final. We are not free we have work here. We have already wasted much time in stupidity and weeding drama so NO. Also it's our honeymoon let us decided weather to go or not please" Saying this he stood up and went inside the kitchen.
Oh did I mention Rhagav loves cooking!! Though it sounded rude and arrogant but it's true.

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