Chapter 62

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Divya's Pov

I was angry, upset, frustrated and what not!? But not just on Rhagav or Shirsha but on myself too...for thinking that things or people might change over time, emotions for people might change, and the way Rhagav held my hand and looked at me at the restaurant infront of my bhai....I-I don't know it just ignited me more!!
I noticed someone peeping from the back of the parking yard but due to dim light I couldn't make out who exactly was it...
Nothing can be more nostalgic than coming back to our birth place, our's feels home here in Delhi. But along side I had this constant strange feeling that something is fishy around, something is not right.

Anyway i diverted my mind from the person when Aditi spoke...I was exhausted both physically and mentally so without any further argument I abruptly went and sat inside the car. But when Rhagav again brought on the topic of 'that night' I couldn't help but let my frustration out in tears and ranting..I broke down, and the sky was it's witnessed, the pain, the anger that I held all these years for him and Shirsha I let them out in tears i know i haven't still confess my feeling out but Rhagav held me I felt a warm, a home...and that's the feeling I hate now.

No matter what why on earth would I have to feel home with a person who is the reason of my pain?!!! Why is God sometimes so unfair??!!!!
But when he started explaining his side of story I realized that not only it's me but he too suffered a lot..losing someone you love is tough but when that someone betrays you that's worst!

I looked up in his eyes and leaned towards Rhagav slowly.. I was feeling overwhelmed hearing his side of story, his feeling, his emotions, about Shirsha.
The tears and his eyes were enough to prove he wasn't laying..his eyes are the mirror of his heart, the helplessness the hopeful emotions his eyes held speaks a lot than he himself.
I never thought that Shirsha could do something like that...
She was an example of so called 'perfect girl' in the school, teachers used to compare every girl of her class or junior at school with her, she had that perfect girl image, good looks, perfect score, well mannered, well maintained girl, my family used tell me how 'sanskri' she is!!

Pulling him by his collar I stood on my toes to match his height.I felt him stiff for a moment, but then maybe unconsciously he leaned down.
Uff too much height!!!

I could feel his warm breath on my face,it is said when you love someone you start loving every small thing about that person. His cologne his breath everything at that moment felt too attractive for me. I moved closer if that was even possible, arms moved from his neck to his face, cupping his face I kissed him..I felt him freeze and still for a moment but then he relaxed, my fingers tangled with his soft yet wet hair, and his one arm was around my waist other was on my face. He kissed me back it was slow, yet the most emotional and perfect kiss.

We both knew we have a lot more to talk but this at that moment felt the most perfect kiss..

The rain was coming down even harder now, but we didn't care. Maybe were too lost in each other's arms, and nothing else mattered.
We kissed for a long time, until finally we had to come up for air.
Our forehead touched each other as we catch our breath his figures caressed my cheek.

We look up "I know we have a lot to speak, a lot to say. And I promise you I will just give me some time" he said, but I just looked at his eyes.
"Please say something Div-"
"Yes I know we have a lot to speak, but now let's just go inside the car or else we'll fall sick I don't want that."

Raghav's Pov

She cut me off and saying this she went inside the car to sit.
I was confused of her reaction very confused, maybe she's still not very convinced with what I confessed.
I went to sit inside the car and started the engine started, and unexpectedly the rain stopped ...sometimes in life few things might seem out of the blue but they hold a lot of hidden meanings in them. That's life for you.


Anyway the car started and the journey was silent, but this silence was not uncomfortable it was comforting, I looked towards my left to see Divya with close eyes and calm expression the wind touching her face, her hair flying lightly in the air, she looks beautiful and calm, like a serenity in mountains.

We reached home parking the car. We both went in together.
" Uhh Let's go change" Saying this I was about to go upstairs "

"Rhagav!! Why have we exactly been transferred here!!? We three together are transferred to Delhi so suddenly..isn't that strange?!"

And I stopped .


Ok so that's so for this Chapter, let's see what Divya is gonna ask more?
Will she get her answers or not?!
And is she gonna express her feeling?
Let's find out in the next chapter. Thank you so much for reading, I will meet you in the next one..till then...

Take care
Bye bye
-pritihearts 💞💞
Love Love ❤️

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