Chapter 70

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Divya's Pov

I dont know how to put my feeling into words. I know after what I have suffered, what Rhagav made me felt he deserves to cry, to repent more, to regret more. But I have a heart that has a very tender corner for him since childhood. But this time it's questioning my self respect and I can't compromise that, so I decided to leave, I wanted a vacation a long leave from my life, my family, friends and everyone, when I was living in the hotel room, alone, I made up my mind for this vacation to clear my mind, to decide what step to take next.

But Life, it's unpredictable, the things you want go away from, life pushes it towards you to face it.

And Look, here I am standing in front of him, listening to him confessing his mistakes and secrets. But you know today while I was listening to him I understood one thing, I thought I knew Rhagav, that surely I do, I know him since childhood, back then he was sweet, kind, smart, funny, careing, jolly and a very naughty kid. Yes, he was the most mischievous and the most fun loving among us all, even the teachers used to love him because though he was very mischievous but also a very smart and outgoing teenage boy in school.
But the Rhagav today standing infront of me is now a man, A Man with secrets, insecurities, problems and betrayal that betrayal which snatched the fun-loving and most amazing side of him. The side I fell in love with.

Back then I thought I know him, but now as he was speaking his heart out today with eyes full of tears, I realized it's only Today that I am understanding him today for the first time, as a friend, as a partner and most importantly as a human being.

The wind howled through us. The Road illuminated by the moon and stars. It's just us in the empty road.

He took another step, and this time i didn't move or couldn't move away, something inside me stopped me. My back was leaned to right door of the car. His hand brushed against mine , "I'll do anything," he said. "I'll prove to you that I've changed. That I'll never hurt you again."

I looked into his eyes, searching for sincerity. The wind rattled as if urging me to listen. "Why now?" she asked. "Why after all this time?"

He took a deep breath. "Because I realized that life without you is empty" he said. "I've been a fool, chasing after shadows. But you-you're my light."

I wanted to believe him. I wanted to forgive, to forget. But the wound was still fresh, the pain was too raw just now. "And what about Shirsha?"i whispered.

My gaze never left him. "She, it was past, a mistake. She has never loved me earlier, and neither does she loves me now. She wanted a fame and reptutation in school back than,under whose veil she she could show her real self,and now she has came back again for the same but this time she is a criminal. And I, We need to prove it this time " he said. "She was a moment in the past But you-you're my present, future, forever and a little more after that."

The stars seemed to twinkle in approval. The wind softened, as if granting us a moment of respite.
I saw the vulnerability his eyes held.

"I love you,"he said, his voice is breaking. "I've never said it before, but I mean it. With every fiber of my being."

My heart was pounding by now. "And what if I can't forgive you?"
I was angry no doubt but now I am a little calm and I am trying to understand now maybe I want to forgive him.

He took my hand in his, his touch was gentle as always. "Then I'll spend the rest of my life trying,"he said. "Because you-you're worth it."

In that starlit road, with the wind as witness, i leaned in and kissed him. It was a kiss filled with hurt, longing a kiss that held the promise of forgiveness.
I had have every reason to turn away, to leave him standing there in the moon's silver embrace. But I don't understand why I can't, I can't it pained to leave him Instead, I stepped closer, my breath hitching as if caught between anger and a fragile hope. My fingers trembled as they reached for his face, tracing the contours of his jaw.

Our lips met a collision of hurt and longing. It was a kiss that held the weight of unspoken words, a promise woven from broken threads.

"I don't know if i can forgive you so easily or not," I whispered against his lips. "But you have to prove it, you can't give up."

The wind tousled our hair, whispering secrets of second chances and the fragile beauty of vulnerability.

He smiled, his dimple showed up and that smile reached his eyes. "Thank you, I'll spend forever proving it," he vowed. And kissed my forehead and lingered there.

And as the wind carried our whispered promises into the night, the stars above seemed to wink in approval, as if saying,
"Sometimes, love is worth the fight."


Pardon me I know I still can't write a kissing scene properly, anyway hope you enjoyed the chapter.
Comment you opinions guys I love seeing them.
I will meet in the next one
Unit we meet
Bye bye
Take care ☺️
Love love 💕💕

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