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"Steven, stop it!" You protested, frustrated by your repeated losses in the game. It wasn't even that challenging.

Your pleas fell on deaf ears as he still won and you still buried your head in your arms in despair. "You know, I could teach you some special combos, but you never let me," he answered, a little cockiness hiding in his voice.

You scoffed at the idea of taking advice from the little rascal. "I'll win next time, just you wait." You left the controller on his bed and headed downstairs.

You had grown accustomed to Steven's place. The beach house was a stark contrast to the cramped apartment you used to call home. The bathroom, in particular, was a pleasant surprise with its jet-mode shower.

"Yo! I got some donuts! Want some?" Then the gems. They were a quirky bunch, and while you didn't have any issues with them, they did strike you as a bit unusual. Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl—you didn't know them that well yet, but Amethyst had been the friendliest to you.

"Steven's upstairs, go find him," Garnet instructed Amethyst. She wasn't unkind, just exceptionally quiet, which made her all the more intriguing, not to mention her captivating accent which you also secretly envied.

Pearl must have been in her room, and Amethyst had gone upstairs with the bag of donuts to look for Steven. You couldn't help but steal glances at Garnet, who sat on the couch, petting Cat Steven. A peculiar name, but a beautiful cat.

"Are the donuts chocolate ones?" you asked as you made your way to the bathroom. Garnet, unsurprisingly, simply nodded without moving her lips. "Pass," you replied before heading into the bathroom.

After taking care of the business, you found the four of them sharing donuts, presumably Pearl had joined. "Want one, pookie?" Steven asked you from the couch.

"Uh... Not really. But I'll hang out here," you replied, taking a seat next to Amethyst, who playfully draped an arm around your neck.

Amethyst was cool, and you enjoyed spending time with her. Pearl was nice too, though you had mistakenly called her 'mom' more times than you'd admit. But Garnet? She remained an enigma. Silent, serious, and it often felt like she didn't particularly care for your presence. You couldn't fathom why, but you hoped she'd warm up to you. After all, you were living with Steven and the gems thanks to her.

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