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"Bikini or swimsuit?" Amethyst asked, the controller in her hands as you played another round of the game.

"Uhh... if there are swimming trunks, I'll take it. Why the question though?" You replied, finding it easier to beat Amethyst than Steven, perhaps due to your familiarity with the level.

"Because when I win, which I will, I'm taking you and Steven to the beach," she declared confidently and executed a combo that secured yet another victory for her.

"Frog! Seriously, where do y'all even find those from? It's not fair!" You resisted the urge to toss the controller in frustration; you loved the game too much to do so.

Amethyst chuckled as glancing at you. "Y'know, if you spent more time, I dunno, talking to Steven instead of staring at Gar- I mean not paying attention, maybe you would actually know about this stuff," she teased.

"Wha-? Uh, I refuse to believe Steven's a better gamer than I am, I'm definitely not asking him for help. I'll just press random buttons; it's worked for me so far. These games need better control menus," you grumbled, switching off the TV after your little rant.

"Whatever. Go get changed. Steven's probably at the Big Donut or something," Amethyst said, leaving you to change in peace.

With everything in order, including finding the volleyball that had gone missing, you headed downstairs, assuming Amethyst and Steven were waiting for you. They were not alone though.

"Well, well, well, you three are going to the beach and didn't even think to invite either of us?" Pearl mockingly feigned annoyance, her hand placed dramatically on her chest while her other hand pointed at Garnet. Amethyst seemed uneasy, not sad but angry, and she couldn't take her eyes off Garnet, who observed the scene with her usual stoic demeanor.

"That's not true! Because I'm inviting you both right now!" Steven chimed in, reinforcing his reputation as the best guy ever.

Garnet nudged Pearl gently, silently saying an "I told you so." Pearl giggled, and in a dazzling display of light that lasted a few seconds, they emerged wearing beach attire. Pearl had a simple but elegant beach dress, while Garnet's swimsuit was absolutely attention-grabbing. You couldn't tear your eyes away from her until Amethyst gave you a nudge of her own, taking you back to reality.

You all raced to the beach, with Steven taking the lead thanks to his pink sprint, Amethyst rolling closely behind, and Garnet, surprisingly fast, coming in third. You would have been last if it weren't for Garnet lending you a hand to help you run faster.

Beach roles, am I right? Steven and Amethyst were already setting up the volleyball net before you could even catch your breath, and Pearl had positioned herself comfortably beneath a massive parasol, when the sky was completely filled with clouds! Garnet, on the other hand, walked away almost immediately, leaving you standing there, unsure of what to do.

The crystal-clear water always amazed you at that beach. You quickly left your flip-flops next to Pearl and ran toward the water's edge. However, something felt different. The water wasn't as pristine as you remembered, and your realization hit you like a wave—literally.

Oh my stars.

You hadn't even noticed the waves until you were waist-deep in water, which was a grave oversight now that you think about it. On the other hand though...

Out of nowhere, the largest wave you'd ever seen loomed before you. You tried to swim to shore, it was futile. The wave engulfed you, you struggled to stay afloat. Just as you managed to surface for a moment, another wave overpowered you, and there was no escaping it.

Did the gems not see this? How had you missed it? Was the sea truly that treacherous? If those were your final thoughts, you really failed to make them more cheerful.

Except, they weren't. You couldn't see, and breathing had become a Herculean task as you felt strong arms pulling you out of the water. "Steven! Heal her!" Were the last words you heard before everything faded to darkness.

You were near the shoreline when you woke up, the sun shining brightly.
The waves had calmed, and the first thing you saw was Steven, upside down, staring at you. "Guys! She's awake!"

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