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(Prisha's POV)

Dad cleared his throat and sat down, I served dinner to him and he looked pleased.
" Good beta " I smiled at him.
Swastik rao, my dad also broker.
He's very reputed guy in this area.
Does it feel honoured to be his adopted daughter? My answer is NO.

My elder sister also their biological daughter Swati came down and sat. She smiled at me and made eye actions to proceed. As soon as mom settled I began,
“ Papa I need your permission over something” he looked up at me from his plate and raised an eye brow.
Gathering all the courage I said,
“ There's badminton competition in my school. For timepass I went in to give practice auditions but passed all three stages. Our Ma'am wants me to participate in city level competition against holy angels"
He banged his dish and arched looked at me,
“ Did you take my permission before entering? ”
I shook my head.

“ Better cancel it young lady or else I'll have to meet your teacher and cancel it by myself "
He commanded me.
I refused, “ Badminton is my passion, No way I am cancelling it. For your convenience meet Our class teacher. She'll praise me and see how your guards are getting down and you face embarrassment ” I shrugged.
Even if he comes to my teacher, she knows I am a good and talented student and will not take upon the request of my cancellation!

What will my dad do then? Go to principal? She'll just praise me more for the recent debate I won and how pleased she is with my interests in sports.
It's a win-win for me.
Bad for you swastik rao.

“ watch your tongue Prisha ” he yelled. “ look at your sister ”
I looked. “ yeah, she seems fine”
Swati shook her head, she wanted me to stop arguing with dad. Ain't no way I am letting his typical mindset win.

“ She's far better then you!
She behaves well, dresses accordingly, greets the guests, can cook, scores well”
He blabbered praising my elder sister. He's right I am complete opposite of the ideal daughter like swati.

“ And you!! You do things females aren't supposed to.
Your last semester's scores were also hardly decent! And girls don't involve in these games and stuff ” he barked.
Time to show him his place.
I took a deep breath before saying things that will give him heart attack.

“ You read newspaper daily right father? Do you skip the sports section in it. If yes then please read it. It has informative articles regarding Indian women or females in general achieving big in sports industry
Example for you are P. V sindhu,
Mary kom, sania mirza, smriti mandhana... ”

I felt a sharp sensation on my right cheek. His cold hands met my cheeks, he slapped me hard, so hard that the force was equal to dwell some tears in my eyes.

Swati di suddenly came in between and hugged me. Mom came from the kitchen and stopped dad. He kept shouting things like “ No, don't stop me now swastika, this girl I told is going out of hands!! She needs some punishment. I told you 10 years ago don't adopt her, you felt pity on this scumbag.. "

He was saying bad things about me but all those words were echoed. I cried on swati Di's shoulder. Mom and dad erupted in argument while my sister took me to our room.


Swati bought a plate of fried rice for me. Like someone who'll cry and whine about not eating afterwards, I am not that type of girl. I already wasted my energy fighting with that idiot then crying, now I need food.

She chuckled at me. What's so funny? My clown state right now? Come on its better then the ' Prisha look in school ' with two choti's and uniform.

The silence fell after. only voice that was in the room was the voice my spoon was making with the metal of plate everytime I eat.
“ you did a great job ” she praised me. I expected her to lecture me of how I should not run my tongue against that old man who's entitled to be my father.
“ they are my parents agreed. But they are very narcissistic. I am tired of being the perfect daughter they desire. I am proud of you for standing up for yourself at such age and fighting him. Keep fighting, I'll help you throughout. I don't want you to end up like me"

I feel bad for swati di, she tries so hard. She's apple of her parents eye. They always discriminate between me and her and compare me to her.
But she's always there for me and defends me.
That's my sister and I hugged her tightly. “ And, don't cancel your selection for badminton competition. If no one comes to support you remember Swati Rao will be cheering for you from the top of her lungs ” she said before leaving the room with the utensils.


I am tired. I am bored. Shopping isn't fun at all. Not until you have infinite money.
Saina and swati are busy trying on different clothes and I am bored. I am watching all types of Random people around me. Some bored like me, some enthusiastic like me. Why did I agree to come here? Even if I said No, mom would have insisted me to go.

The male corner of clothes was just beside the female one.
I looked over at males and all of them weren't even picky about clothes. Whatever they find that fits their size they buy it.
I saw familiar figure, as soon as he turned his face to my side I looked away. It was Ishan.
He was here shopping with his brother and friends.
His eyes were fixated on the sports section, but as soon as he saw me. He wasn't seeing anything else. But only my direction.
Might be checking out some chick here. Why would he look at me tho?

Saina threw a crop top to me that bought me back to reality.
" He's flattened by you " With this she ran away to other side of jeans section before I could argue with her. I rolled my eyes at her statement. I am too good to  be flattened and out of league for Ishan the Kishan.
His name rhymes tho.

I looked over at that direction again. NO who said I was finding Ishan. Why would I?
But he wasn't there. He disappeared. Not like I cared.


I avoided all kind of eye contact with my dad. He will definitely pay for that slap. In near future.
Mom didn't say anything about that incident, which is good.

“ So. I met Mrs. Kishan. It has been along time and she invited us for dinner ” WHAT?
“ when? ” I asked.
“ don't interrupt when i am speaking ” she said. Rude lady. You are getting it.
“ that's not called interruption. I was just asking. But it's fine if in your language interruption and asking has the same meaning ”

“ don't run your mouth. And better keep it shut in front of Kishans. ” dad interrupted. Now see?

I just rolled my eyes. They say fighting with fools makes you fool. I don't want to be one.

" Tomorrow at 9 pm ” mom served the food to herself.

I'll have to face Ishan. It would be different from school.
God remove the awkwardness when we meet.

Guilty in  Love (ishan kishan) { Prequel }Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant