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It's been 3 months and everything was settled in Mumbai.  Admission was concealed in a good college as expected in second round.

Dad didn't hesitate much about sending me here because of course his Reputation was on peak. My sister made a bold move,since she's doing her UPSC from arts, she switched to interior designing without dad knowing it.
She also found a job in here.

Even I am planning to take up a good job because Mumbai is no way a cheap city.
But this place is exquisite and has a lot to provide.
I was so damn happy reuniting with my friend in here.
Things were going good, to make it much happier,
Ishan called me few days back stating he has match
Jharkhand vs Mumbai in Azad Maidan and wants to see me.

As a good girl I agreed on, yesterday I went out to watch the match.
As usually expected that jharkhand will win, they lost.
It was not an easy deal for our captain out here, I sensed how sad he was. Their state rankings fell down and now they have to win against Punjab to get into semi finals, he kept telling me how punjabi munde's are so good in cricket and how hard it is to get into semi finals.

I hated him seeing this gloomy and decided to waste my sisters money. Took him out on an unofficial date, just like a hangout thingy.
We went to a famous hotel of Bandra then sat on the beautiful marine drives enjoying the view.

Those soothing waves calmed him down a little. When I asked how he felt he said much better.
Since there was no restrictions,
We decided to travel by local train and reached churchgate within few minutes.
This posh area just weaved my dreams of a richer lifestyle.

Always people have this feeling
When they visit big cities, to be big man/woman and all that delusional thoughts.
We didn't have much money with us right now so decided to hog on a same ice cream can.
He bought a massive ice cream can from an outlet and we kept it on the table and sat right across me.
We both picked up a spoon and started digging in the fluffy cream.

While eating there was a comfortable silence but I can see him stealing glances at me occasionally and me doing the same thing.
It felt like a romantic movie scene
I am lucky to experience such a moment with my crush.

“ Prish, hurry up or I'll eat extra ice cream before it melts ”
He said and made a big scoop and threw it on his mouth. He messed up his face while doing such a jokery thing. He's funny...

We walked on the beautiful streets of churchgate with night view surrounding us.
We had a small talk with some Russian girls that were visitors here and as they say men will be men Ishan melted quicker than the ice cream in front of them.

Biding those pretty girls bye I dragged him onto an empty street with couples sitting on the benches here and there. This one was most recommended place by Saina, as she said we'll have a “ moment ” in here.
I beg to differ because Ishan was busy thinking about those girls and telling me all the tales of Russians.

Out of nowhere he said,
“ enough of Russians. Now let's think about desi mahila ”
This Picked my interest, now what about Desi?
“ desi girls are lame” he said in a duh tone.
“ not more than you ” I mimicked him.
And that's how the banter of who's more lame started.

When we were done with laughing our butts off and ending the debate he said,
“ alright listen I wanna tell you something ”my hopes suddenly went high. I thought he was going to say his heart out to me,
“ I'll be going to Punjab tomorrow morning for a match in Mohali. Will you come with me? ”
And my hopes shattered.

“ but I have college ”
I put up my point.
“ bunk it! ”
I thought for a second. Bunking colleges are pretty common and not like tomorrow my dad will come up suddenly to mumbai to check upon his daughters.
“ alright. Fill me up with details”

Guilty in  Love (ishan kishan) { Prequel }Where stories live. Discover now