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The results for standard 10th were out,
Prisha was indeed happy to score 85% , as an Indian family her parents always had expectations of 90 and above but she was happy because even after living under a toxic family's roof she scored well.

Swati hit her lowest at this point, she was frustrated with UPSC, just like river she's flowing  but doesn't know where.
Afterall she'll end up in a deep ocean and probably feel lost out there.
She still dreams to pursue interior designing.

All these months the girls decided to leave for Mumbai.
Today was the day they decided to put their decision on their dad's face. They know they won't succeed therefore Mr and Mrs Kishan are present over their house for a tea.

All of them are sat in the hallroom with cookies and tea.
The men are busy discussing geopolitics and woman onto how the Tailor where they go to stitch their clothes got into an divorce with his wife.
Girls are less interested in it.

Swati and Prisha as per the guidance of Mr Kishan decided thoroughly what they are going to do and how to execute the plan.
Mr Kishan said, it's better not to threaten their parents who agreed are toxic but very conservative. Sometimes it runs in the blood of the family where they want things done according to their way without realizing the generation gap between their kids and the different perspectives they share.
This persuasiveness turns abusive when their opinions aren't considered.
It's not the fault of parents too, just like new generation cannot cope up with their thoughts it goes vise versa. This leads to conflicts and when these arguments take an extreme mode it turns into toxicity.

It's always the new generation who has to cope up with this drama, but they aren't meant to keep quite and bear the torture.
It's necessary to set boundaries and also keep points according to their understanding ability and use a polite way to convince.

And Mr and Mrs Kishan are willingly agreeing to stand like a pillar giving base to Swati and Prisha's dreams.

They exchanged eye contacts in between of the conversation and Mr Kishan cleared his throat and asked,
“ Wow Prisha. We have you scored very well "
" Thank you uncle " She smiled.
Before he could say anything Mrs Rao interrupted and said,
“ What about Ishan? "
Girls were annoyed by her behavior but they have to go with the flow.

" Ah. My son didn't even give his maths paper. So you know the proximity of his score. " Mrs Kishan chuckled. Ishan is into sports and such academics dont bother him and his parents because he's already excelling in it. Only if this point was to be understood by Mrs Rao.

" Yeah but he should focus on his studies too right? What if she fails into sports there should be some back up " Mrs Rao made her point, she earned some disappointed glare from her daughters and her peers, to make it worse Mr Rao said he agrees with his wife's opinion.

" Mom " Swati glared at her.
She called her out to indicate to keep silent and not give such nonsense opinions.

" Ahh it's fine Y'all. I understand Mrs Rao's concern she's right we should have a back up plan.
And we already do, why wish Ill of Ishan? Of course he's gonna do well in cricket and I am sure about it and if faith doesn't take his side, which we don't wish to happen but he's already planned on taking commerce "

This piqued the interest of Mr Rao and he opened his mouth,
" Wow, commerce! As in? Is he planning to be CA? "
The girls were embarrassed the shit out of them they just made an eye contact with each other and rolled their eyes wondering how stupid their parents can be.

" Yes CA, as in Cricket Athletic " Mr Kishan replied jokingly but that was a good comeback rubbed on their faces.
Defeated Mr and Mrs Rao decided to keep quite.

Guilty in  Love (ishan kishan) { Prequel }Where stories live. Discover now