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"ISHAN" Came a yell from inside, " ISHAN" followed another one.
The boy grudgingly woke up from his sleep and went to the balcony " What? " He asked Prisha. He noticed she was dressed up in loose clothes with a badminton kit.
" It's Sunday " She said.
" More like sleep day " Ishan said and dramatically acted to sleep.

" You coming down or not? "
She warned. " Fine " He said defeated.


(Prisha's POV)

He came down all fresh and we started to play.
I kept wondering why is he doing all these to me?
He has his own responsibility and still taking time out for me.
If I told my friends they'll say he has crush on me or vise versa which is absolutely not. I am genuinely curious why he is doing all that.

I was losing my focus again and again, I am having a bad day and couldn't concentrate on hitting the shuttle properly. My dad's words ringed in my head again and again and I couldn't stop thinking about what he said.
“ I'll have to teach this girl a lesson my way " He said.
" She is running her mouth like a speed of a river”
" You deserve every word I tell "
Swati di came to rescue at the right time.
She stopped the argument between us and dragged me away from Him.

She scolded me a little for always talking back to dad, but I won't be taking his words everytime. He thinks I owe him something because he adopted me. Sometimes I wonder my life would have been better in orphanage. Atleast we had peace while eating.

He's not easily getting away from me, when his manly ego corrupts he threatens to beat me, or in his words Punish me.
He never raised a voice at Swati di, because she is epitome of perfection for him or probably because she is his own blood. I am neither.

The shuttle fell just in front of me and I didn't hit it. I am not even making an attempt to move my body at all. Ishan noticed my weird behavior. I called him because I love playing sports and might diverse my mind from the heated argument. It'll refresh me but it's getting worse.

I collapsed on the floor, bawling my eyes out. I couldn't control the tears from spilling.


She started crying in front of me, she was hiccuping badly. I hated to see her devasted. I never expected her to cry, she is always bold and strong. But people do break down sometimes. I kneeled besides her and started rubbing her back. She rubbed her eyes, her face was turned all red. Her eyes were bloodshot. She is definitely holding alot inside.

" I am sorry " She wiped those few tears falling and said. " I really didn't mean to cry like this. I am sorry "
" Hey, don't apologize. It's ok.
Don't feel embarrassed at all because you cried. Your feelings are worth it Prish. Now get up"
I extended her a hand. She got up with the support and tied her hair into a messy pony tail.
" Don't feel embarassed ok. People do have bad days. If you wanna talk about it I am here to listen. Plus I forget things by night " I reassured her again. She chuckled a little at the meaning of the last line. She said it to me when I opened up to her.

“ I don't know from where to start " She said. " It's ok if you don't want to open up. Relax, let's go and eat something. I have savings of my brother " I removed money from my pocket and showed her.
" Lol same. I also have savings of swati di " She was back to normal form again. " Perks of having elder siblings, poor guys," She joked about it.

We went to nearby dhaba. It had gujarati theme and was famous for Gujarati food.
Prisha made a little talk with the waiter in gujarati.
" So you know Gujarati? " I never knew anything about her that much. We are bench partners but hardly talk. Few reasons, she's always in library, now I'm sports ground, another i hardly show up in lectures.
" Yeah, the orphanage I lived was owned by Gujarati's, so eventually I learnt the language"
She was back to her own self, and didn't show any signs of embarrassment or regrets like before.

Guilty in  Love (ishan kishan) { Prequel }Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora