Chapter 1: It All Begins

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I am Jack Akiyama, a mercenary aligned with a military faction that opposes the supernaturals referred to as Atlas. Besides being a mercenary, I discovered that I exist as a character in a video game called "The Legacy Of 2144." The world I inhabit is an intense and treacherous one, teeming with battles, violence, and hostile creatures. I do not remembered how it all happened, but I remembered being Isekaied into this very game, with no memory of my past, and how I got there, reborning as a young child in this world of advanced technology.  Ever since the monster realm invaded in year 2135, this world I was isekaied to has been plunged into chaos, and to top it off, it happened on my 12th birthday.

Flashback. Everything seemed fine at the beginning. I remember my parent's smiles and laughter as they sang "Happy Birthday." But then chaos erupted. Gunshots, monstrous roars, and screams filled the air as civilians ran in panic. My father, an ex-mercenary who had fought these monsters before, tried to protect us by using his assault rifle against the horde. He fought valiantly, but just as he believed he was winning, a hooded figure appeared behind him and swiftly killed him with a dagger to the neck. My mother was next, murdered by the hooded man for simply trying to save my dad. Only my older brother Aaron, my little sister Yui, and I survived, standing there in shock, traumatized by the sight of our dead parents. The hooded man turned towards us, brandishing his bloodied dagger and snarling beneath a skull mask. In that moment of panic and danger, my older brother seized our father's assault rifle and aimed it at the hooded man. "STAND BACK!" he yelled, cocking the rifle. Despite his intense glare, I could see the fear in my brother's face. When the hooded man caught sight of the assault rifle, he laughed and shook his head, seemingly entertained by my brother's bravado. "My, my... Do you honestly believe THAT will save you from me?" he chuckled. Without wasting a second, my older brother pulled the trigger, unleashing a rapid spray of bullets at the man. To our horror, the bullets seemed to freeze in mid-air, having no effect on him.

"Foolish to think that you're strong enough to stop me." The man growled in annoyance as the bullets all fell to the floor. Just as my brother stood there in dread, the man lifted his arm, levitated him and threw him at a wall, causing his head to bleed. "BROTHER!" I yelled in horror, trying to run to his aid. Just as I tried to, the man suddenly appeared in front of me, pointing his dagger directly at my face. "Nah uh uh. I wouldn't try that if I were you." The man chuckled in a cunning voice. Filled with a mixture of dread and anxiety, I looked directly at the hooded man,  directly into his green, cold and soulless eyes that he hid behind a skull mask he wore. "Wh-what do you want from us?" I questioned him in a petrified tone. The hooded man with the skull mask didn't reply. Instead, he grabbed my little sister by the arm and disappeared without a word or trace. "YUI!" I yelled out, only to realise that it was too late.  I fell onto my knees, sobbing uncontrollably, thinking that it was all over, but that was when I heard my brother's voice. "Go.....find.....her...." I turned and looked at my big brother, Aaron. "B-brother? You're alive?! Your head is bleeding...I should go get help!" I tried to look around for a medkit, but I couldn't find it through the mess the monsters made when they invaded our house. Aaron stopped me and smiled. "Jack....I'll be fine....go, find Yui."  "Don't be silly, brother! I can't just leave you alone here to die! We'll find Yui together! Please!" I cried as I tugged on his sleeve. "Jack....Yui needs you. Please...go." Aaron replied, still persistent with his choice. "But where?! I don't know where she is!"

"Try....looking for her in...Neon City...." Aaron groaned in reply as his eyelids got heavier.  "Neon City? Do you mean... the city nearby? The streets?!" I questioned again, but there was no reply. "Brother? Hey, answer me! Brother!" I shook him a few times to try to get him to speak again, but there was no answer. He's dead, I thought. With tears running down my face, I left him and ran towards the streets of Neon City as he requested me to do. As I did, I witnessed a sight that I could only describe as something straight out of nightmares. Corpses...of young innocent lives, ripped into half. Blood was splattered across the roads and soldiers trying to fend off monsters, but only to be ripped apart and eaten alive. The playgrounds...was piled with the corpses of dead children, around my age back then. My eyes widened in horror and dread, traumatized by the gruesome sights I witnessed. I continued to run deeper and deeper into the city, trying to find Yui and escape from the monsters, but she was nowhere to be found. "Yui! Yui, please! Come back to me!" I yelled as I ran, but I just couldn't hear her voice. I continued to run until I couldn't run anymore, stopping in the middle of the streets to catch my breath. Just as I was about to move on, I heard a growl. A deep, angry growl. I looked around to see where the source of noise was coming from. It wasn't one, but multiple red glowing eyes glaring at me in the abyss of an alleyway. As the creatures approached me, I finally saw their figure. They were these large, gigantic demonic entities with large, razor-sharp claws and sharp teeth. The creatures snarled at me as they slowly approached me, one step at a time.

"Stand back! Don't come any closer!" I yelled at them, but it seemed that my voice didn't sound intimidating enough for them to back off. The monsters only got closer and closer. Knowing that I had no chance to outrun them, I closed my eyes and was about to accept my fate. Out of nowhere, a loud rapid sound of gunfire broke the terrifying growls of the demons. As it did, the 5 demons fell over like dead flies, blood oozing from their heads. I backed away from the corpses, looking left and right in anxiety as I tried to look for who killed them. In front of me, stood a man with black eyes and black hair that reached his shoulder length, like mine. Other than that, he wore what seemed to be a headphone and navy blue futuristic armour, that seemed to belong to a military faction. "W-who are you?" I questioned the man in a meek voice. The man looked at me with an expressionless face and replied to my question. "Do not fear, kid. My name is Lance Yoshida,  Sergeant of Atlas Military. If you wish to live, come with me."

The Legacy Of 2144: The BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now