Chapter 5: Unexpected Allies

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"Jack, I would like to talk to you in private." That was the first thing I heard from Commander Mark the next day as I ate my egg sandwich. Surprised by the unexpected summons, I looked up from my half-eaten egg sandwich to meet Commander Mark's gaze. The bustling activity of the canteen seemed to fade away, leaving only the low hum of conversations in the background. "Sure, Commander. What's this about?" I replied, trying to keep my tone steady despite the curiosity gnawing at me. I wiped my hands on a napkin, pushing my plate aside as I followed him.  We navigated through the crowded canteen, the clatter of trays and distant chatter growing distant as we entered a quieter corridor. Commander Mark led me to his Command Room.

As the door closed behind us, I couldn't shake the feeling that something significant was about to unfold. Commander Mark took a deep breath, his gaze unwavering. "Am I in trouble?" I asked Commander Mark with a rather anxious voice. "No, you aren't, soldier. I called you here to say that I have been impressed by your performance for the past few weeks. You have proven to me that you are capable of handling the creatures of the outside world, which is why I am going to permit you to finally explore the outside world by yourself." My eyes lit up the moment I heard that. "You think I finally have what it takes to survive out there?" I asked Commander Mark to confirm. "Yes, Jack. We've been monitoring your performance closely, and your skills are unmatched. We need someone like you to navigate the dangers beyond our walls." Commander Mark confirmed with a nod of his head.  The weight of the responsibility settled on my shoulders, and I saluted in understanding. "I won't let you down, Commander. I'll do whatever it takes to protect the city." Commander Mark clasped my shoulder with a firm grip. "I know you will. You've been granted limited access to the outside world. Explore, gather intel, and report back anything you find. But remember, discretion is paramount. The fate of the city rests on your shoulders, Jack. You're dismissed." Once again, I saluted to Commander Mark and headed out of his Command Room.

Heading to the basement, I grabbed my equipment and my armour. Before heading out of the basement, I quickly spent some of my equipment upgrade points on upgrading my weapons and armour.  Shoving a new magazine into my M4A1 and reloading the assault rifle, I stood in front of the main door of Atlas Military Base and watched as the metal door slid open. Just before I stepped out of the door, I was greeted by the strong desert wind that blew against my face. Taking a deep breath, I took a step out of the door and headed North, only to realise that Neon City was further than I thought. I groaned in annoyance at the long, straight road that stretched out like an endless ribbon towards the city of Neon, which was 30km north. If only Neon City wasn't that far and I had a car...damn it. Shaking my head in annoyance, I proceeded on a tiring 5 hour walk towards Neon City.  What seemed like an eternity finally ended when I reached Neon City.  Huffing and puffing from the physical and mental challenge of walking 30km, I pulled out my canteen (I meant the water bottle) and chugged down the remaining half of the bottle, then turned to marvel at the neon-lit city of Neon City. It's been a while since I last revisted my hometown, which has now turned into a battleground.

"Greetings citizen, welcome to Neon- wait a minute, you're that kid from Atlas, right?" A Peacekeeper greeted me when I entered the city. I turned my gaze towards him and nodded slightly. "Yep, that's me. Why'd you ask?" I questioned the soldier in white. "So it really is you! Kid, you were awesome back there when you fought against that skeleton centipede abomination or..whatever that thing is called!" The Peacekeeper replied in awe. "The Dreadbone Centipede? Yeah, it's no big deal, really. I was just doing what was right." I sighed. "But kid, you were extremely brave and badass back there! Anyways, haven't really got your name." "Name's Jack Akiyama." I replied the Peacekeeper. "Name's Jack, huh? Cool. Name's Ethan." The Peacekeeper saluted. "By the way, kid. If you see any bad guys or any dangerous creatures, just tell me, alright?" "Got it, Ethan. For dangerous creatures, I get what you mean. But...bad guys? Like...the Raiders?" I asked. Raiders are considered terrorists in my world. The reason why they are called "Raiders" is because of their tendency to raid people's houses or military factions, trying to steal either food or weaponry for themselves, using brute force. "Yes kid. Like Raiders. Tell me if you see anyone like them-" Before he could finish his sentence, we heard a loud groan. In fact, multiple. I turned my gaze towards a bunch of pale, crazed-looking humans, with rotting skin and glassy eyes.  If you think they are zombies, you're correct. "Ethan, guess that's your calling right there." I told the Peacekeeper in a serious tone, turning my assault rifle towards them. Ethan the Peacekeeper looked at the horde of zombies and growled. "Those damn flesh-eating bastards! Time to send them all back to their graves!" Yelling in rage, Ethan pivoted his plasma rifle at the horde of zombies and rapidly fired balls of plasma energy at them, causing their body to explode into a pile of blood and guts. For me, I aimed my M4A1 at their heads and pulled the trigger. The rapid blast of bullets sprayed from my assault rifle pierced through their rotting heads, causing the undeads to fall like flies.  Despite our efforts, the horde only kept coming.

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