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Friday 🍁



I think I'm going to go on a walk with my mum soon, I might tell her about Therianthropy. But I don't want her to get a wrong idea about it. And if I turn out to be a Therian, she may not accept me. I won't tell her about me questioning if I am therian or not, I'll see how she accepts it and wait it out for a bit before I say. I'm so nervous haha.



I am waiting for her now. I might not talk to her about gear, because she knows I have masks, etc. My dad is vacuuming right now and it is so loud. xD



I have told her a bit about it and she seems fine with it! She is quite an open-minded person and I feel lucky and happy that I feel comfortable talking to her about new things.


So to sum things up, I told her about me questioning if I am therian or not. I also told her a bit about gear. I asked if she would accept me if I turned out to be therian. And she said yes! 🥹👍 ( Sorry if I sound I am showing off. )


Today was actually fun! I finally went out of the house. First of all I woke up ( no way ) , and then me, my mum and my sibling went to a National Trust! It was so good! We had a Tesco meal deal for lunch too. :3 It took like an hour to get there, so I mostly just looked out the window, listening to my playlist. When we got back, my mask and eye mesh came! I played Minecraft for a bit, then I went to my bedroom to watch (THE FILM) 'Dirty Dancing'! I don't know why, but it might be my favourite film, haha. In the middle of watching it, I was called down for tea, I then went back upstairs to finish. :3 Then I went on the walk and met a cute cat on the way! It kept scaring us since it was near some tram tracks ( don't worry! We made sure it was safe ), it following us into a safe field after. I then played a card game with some of dad's friends that came round ( as they usually do on Friday's ) when I came back. And now, I am chilling for a bit.


Does anyone else's ears feel like they move when you hear a sudden movement behind you? It happened to me today, as it sometimes does. It wasn't like a phantom shift, it was just my human ears. Since it was my human ears, I thought it wasn't valid. But I'm not sure.

I keep thinking I am definitely therian one minute, to thinking I am not the next. It's so confusing.


I'm going to this late house-warming/summer party tomorrow and I might see an old friend! I haven't seen them in a whole year.


I am tired now so I am probably going to bed soon. My school is starting next week, so I need to catch up on sleep. :')

~ Lia/Ash 🐱

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