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Today I woke up, and found a therian near my area online! They seem really nice so far. :D I then played Roblox with my best friend and had a late lunch. I am now chilling for a bit until I go an a walk!

Eeeekk! Strictly Come Dancing is starting tonight! I don't think I know any of the celebs that will be competing though. :(


I took a one day break from doing quads since my shoulders hurt. They are fine now, so I might do some quads later!

I haven't found anything new about me being a therian or not. I feel I have been looking for so long that I am somehow scared to finally say I am a therian. I know it shouldn't be such a big thing, but it feels like a lot to me. If I identify as a therian, I won't fully identify as an animal, because I feel that is too much for me. Is that valid?

I saw a video that on the 1st of October, therians will draw the Theta Delta on their palm to find other therians, I'm not sure if I should do it or not?



We are about to go on the walk!



We just came back from the walk, it was good! We went to a forest with bike trails so that was a bit stressful, haha. We found many mushrooms though! After the stressful forest, we went to a garden next to the car park.

I am just going to chill now. :)



After chilling for a bit, we had tea and watched Strictly! I then played on the Wii with my mum. Now I am chilling some more and then I will go to bed. :)

I have done some quads through the day! :D

That's all for today, goodbye!!

~ Lia/Ash 😎

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