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Wednesday 🐈🐾


Sorry for not writing for a bit, I was busy. :)


Today, I went to school ( yippee. ) , chilled a bit, ate, and now I am chilling some more.

I am starting ( and trying ) to write a therian story ! I am still thinking of a goal for the story to have, or even the basic plot though.


I think I am a therian! I am finally ready to come out as one. But I keep worrying that there hasn't been enough shifts , etc recently. Maybe I am just not as connected at this time of year?

I keep thinking that I have a tail, but like a second later, I realise there is nothing there. It's so annoying. >:/

I might make a special post for this journal, saying that I am finally coming out as a therian!



I am going to do some quadrobics now!! :D



I am too tired to do anymore. haha.

Tomorrow is picture day for my school. D:

Anywho, that's all for today !!

Bye ! <33

~ Lia/Ash 🐌

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