The Sea King Nest!

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As a detour, the Going Merry was on course to Warship Island to help Apis.

Yukiko was on lookout from the crow's nest when she spotted something.

"Hey! I see a Fleet of Ships at 6 o'clock! They're Marines!" She Shouted.


"N-navy Ships?!" Usopp yelled.

"What's an Entire fleet doing here?" Sanji asked.

"What? What? What's going on?"Luffy asked the captain oblivious to their dire situation.

Apis flinched.

"Are they after my head?" Luffy wondered.

"Huh? What do you mean Luffy? Are you a wanted man?" Yukiko asked as she got to deck.

"Luffy's got a 30 million Berri bounty on his head." Nami explained.

"30 MILLION!- wait how much Is 30 million, what's the exchange rate of this world?" Yukiko asked.

"30 million is alot especially for a rookie from the East Blue and it's his first so that makes it even more of a big deal- Oh~why couldn't my captain of been weak and had no presence about him?~" Usopp whined.

"Too late now. There's too many!" Nami said utterly shocked.

"It means that they need that many to capture me, right? I'm amazing aren't I?" Luffy gloated.

"What? Why do you look so happy?!" Nami snarled.

Sanji watched as Apis inched further and further backwards. "Hm...? What's wrong?"

"Those ships belong to Branch 8! I escaped from them! What am I going to do?" Apis fretted.

Yukiko gripped a Pokeball on her belt.

"Ugh! They're firing at us!" The newly revived Usopp bellowed half way up the railers.

A voice came from the Navy ships. Attention pirate ship! Stop the ship immediately! Those were warning shots. The next shots will hit your ship!"

"Like we will! Come out, Blaise!" Yukiko got her Flame Pokémon out.

"Roar!" He said ready to fight.

"Whoa! Go get em Blaise!" Luffy gushed as Apis watched in amazement.

"Alright, Blaise, use Air Slash to destroy their sails then reverse them with Hurricane!" Yukiko yelled.

Blaise flew into the air and knocked out the sails while avoiding the shot from the Marines.


"Not bad."

"Go Blaise!"

"Alright then, Blaise return. Alright then, now is our chance. We gotta shake them off." Yukiko said.

And then Apis spoke up.

"A huge wind is coming!"

Yukiko was surprised at that as Nami noticed a shift in the air.

"Zoro, Luffy lean the sail towards the south! Usopp, Sanji-kun, right rudder full!" Nami ordered.

"What?" Usopp asked confused by her urgency.

"Hurry up!" She snapped.


"Yes Nami-san!"

"Nami what's going on?" Yukiko asked her.

"A strong gust is coming. We'll ride it out of here. If we fight them head on, we'll lose no matter how good we are." Nami explained.

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