Ever After High pt 4

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Before starting this part, I want to clarify that no one knew where that lake is supposed to be, so Dutchess could not be fully blamed for releasing the Wicked Prince.

Now on with the story!
The Wicked Prince opened his blood red eyes filled with malice, scaring Dutchess.

He was draped in a black silk cloak with dark feathers, his clothing was pitch black, and resembled a death suit and he wore a crown of bones.

He looked at the sky and felt a familiar power.

He sighed.."Kazuya.....!"

Then he sniffed the air again and snarled. "Nika..." he frowned.

Dutchess tried to scramble away but the Wicked Prince caught her with a black tendril.

"I see I've been imprisoned for centuries...judging from your clothes...but if Nika and Kazuya are dead now...their successors must be here..."

Dutchess was completely scared, if word got out that she unleashed this being.....

"Tsch. It ain't really your fault...True I was sealed away, but even magic wanes with age. Over the centuries, I've slowly whittled its power, I just needed to make a good crack in it. But you took care of it for me." He smirked. "I can't move so freely, so I need a disguise."

Dutchess looked scared when he looked at her.

Then he turned into a black Mist, entering Dutchess' body.

She tried to fight it, but he took possession of her body.

'Dutchess' then smirked as her eyes glew red, heading to the high school.

'Now I need to find you Kazuya.....and this time...Nika......I will destroy you.!'
However, Milton's brother, Giles Grimm, saw everything in his office.

"Oh dear! This is not good! I've got to warn Milton and the pirates!" He panicked.

He rushed and burst into his brother's office.

"Milton! We got trouble! The Wicked Prince has been freed!"


"Apparently the seal on him had been weakening over the centuries, Dutchess Swan unknowingly set him free. And now he's possessing her body!"

"Put out an Class 4 alert! The entire campus on lockdown! And get every mage in exorcism to save Ms Swan!"

Giles nodded and sounded the alarm.
A loud alarm sounded off surprising everyone in the school and on the campus.

"Warning, Class 4 Protocal enacted, this is not a drill. Please head to your designated safety house immediately." A voice sounded as students panicked.

"What is going on? What's a Class 4 alarm mean?" Apple asked an older student.

"It means that a dangerous villian is on the loose and heading for the campus! This never happened in the history of the school! We gotta move now!"

Luffy however, looked eager to fight.

"A bad guy? I'll just beat them up!" Luffy said zooming off.

"Luffy, wait!" Yukiko ran after him.

Raven and Apple couldn't believe that it just happened. Raven went after them, and although it was against her judgement, she followed out of concern for her roommate.

To their luck however, they found themselves with Dutchess Swan, but Raven and Yukiko noticed something strange about her.

"Dutchess, thank goodness, we got to go hide." Apple said as she was about to grab the girl's hand, only for Yukiko to throw a Pure Stone and Dutchess spazzed and a dark Mist came out of her, surprising Raven and Apple.

"Wait, is he?!" Apple realized.

"The Wicked Prince?!" Raven finished.

The male smirked. "I'm impressed you saw through me. I guess it wasn't enough to use that pathetic girl to sneak in. But it's good for me." The Prince said. "I finally get to see you.....my dear Kazuya." He said looking at Yukiko.

"I'm not Kazuya, my name's Yukiko."

"Hm. No matter-Ack!" He received a Gum Gum Bullet to the face, making him fly a few feet away.

Yukiko frowned as Luffy was getting serious.
"Raven, Apple. Get Dutchess to safety. We'll hold him off. Pachi, you help them."

"What?! And leave you with him?" Raven asked.

"We gotta get the teachers, they can-" Apple said but Luffy interrupted.

"There's no time! It will allow him to get to the campus and place everyone in danger. We're keeping him away. Now go!" Luffy yelled.

Both girls realized he was right, so they got their fellow classmate and ran with Pachi. "Be careful!" Apple yelled.

Yukiko and Luffy stared down at the Wicked Prince who got back up with a bloody lip.

"If it's a fight you want....." Luffy said.

"We'll give a good one." Yukiko finished.
Now things are getting tense.

Next is the fight!

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