Up the Knock-Up Stream!

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Morning came around and Yukiko was woken by the dawn's rays.

She sighed as she stood up, but Luffy began to stir as well.

"Mhn, five more minutes..." He said hugging Yukiko's legs, wanting the warmth back.

"But then we won't get to Sky Island." Yukiko said getting Luffy up.

"Oh yeah! Sky Island!" He said.

Then Yukiko looked a Pachi who was sleeping in the Straw-Hat again. 

"Hey! Pachi, my hat's not a bed!" Luffy said getting Pachi up.

Only for the latter to run with it.

"My hat!" Luffy said running after the squirrel.

"Pachi, pa pa pach!" (It's my bed now!)

"Pachi." (Bed.)
"Pachi." (Bed.)
"Pachi." (Bed.)
"Pachi." (Bed.)
"Pachi." (Bed.)
"Pa." (Hat.)
"Pa." (Hat.)
"Bed, and as captain I say so!" Luffy finished.

"Pachi." Pachi said leaving with the Hat.

It took a minute for Luffy to Register something.....

"............................ Hey! Wait a minute!" Luffy said.

"No time for this you two. We got to eat up and the Knock-Up Stream will be emerging soon." Yukiko said as she got Luffy's hat and put it back on his head as he smiled and she kissed his cheek.
After a quick breakfast, or 12 Eevee pancakes in Luffy's case, the crew say their  goodbyes to Cricket as they promise to find Sky Island, setting sail with Masira and Shoujo's ships sailing beside the Merry as guides as well as the South Bird that Yukiko tamed.


"Watch this!" Luffy says and turns the bird's head to point to the right. He then lets go and the bird's head snaps back to forward position. "He has to face south, no matter what!" Luffy laughs.

"Luffy don't tease him." Yukiko said as she pat the bird and he lets out a caw.

"He says that he'll face a different direction on purpose and laugh once we get lost." Chopper translates.

"I'd like to see you try!" Luffy says. The bird caws and faces the opposite direction, but a few seconds later, he snaps right back to face south, making Luffy laugh despite the bird's angry calls.

Yukiko smiled as she pat the bird making him calm.

Then after sailing for a while, one of Shoujo's men said that the Cumulo Regalus was up ahead, and a full hour earlier than expected!

"You heard them! We gotta hustle!" Nami said.

The waves get higher as the Merry heads towards the current and the crew all stumbles to keep balance. Luffy kept Yukiko in his arm as Pachi hung onto her shoulder.

"The wind direction is perfect! The Cumulo Regalus is lining up perfectly with the whirlpool!" Nami says.

Masira then dispatches two hooks that latch onto the Merry, "We'll guide you to the outer edge, you guys ride the current towards the center!" He instructs.

"You want us to go to the center?!" Nami squeaks. "I don't remember signing up for this!"

"I changed my mind, I wanna go back!" Usopp yells.

"Sorry Usopp, You-Know-Who is already excited." Zoro says pointing at Luffy who laughs with pure glee.

"Yep, we're stuck here, whether we like it or not." Yukiko adds.

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