The Boss

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This is the second part of the Moonfall trilogy, so if you've somehow found your way here without reading Operation: Moonfall, I implore you to go and read that first. Everything will make much more sense, and the story and characters will be richer for it.


Porsha tapped the sketch of her father in trendy clothes with impatience. Jerry couldn't stop eyeballing the sketch in anticipation. The two of them were sitting outside the dressing rooms at one of Porsha's favorite clothing stores, Dripsters. Jimmy promised to spend more time with her, and she was going to hold him to that.

The would-be fashionista liked throwing outfits together for Ash and Meena, but getting the guys to let her dress them was impossible, especially for someone like Gunter who already felt his eye-searing attire was the pinnacle of high fashion. Her next best test subject would have to be her father, and after lots of nagging and guilt-tripping, she broke him down.

Porsha let out an exasperated groan. "Daddy, come on! It doesn't take that long to change!"

"You're not the one that has to wear this!" Jimmy complained.

Stepping out of the booth, Jimmy wore a dark long coat with matching pants made of a holographic texture that shimmered with different colors under the light. The seams of the clothes were covered in neon violet bands. His outfit was topped off with a tie of similarly holographic material.

With eyebrows etched in deep aggravation, the arctic wolf threw his arms out. "What the hell am I wearing?"

Porsha made a swivel motion with her finger and her father obliged by doing a full, if defiantly quick, spin, causing her to squeal in delight.

"I call this... Cyberpunk Chic!" Porsha announced dramatically.

Jimmy grunted. "I feel like one of those freaks that dress up at conventions."

"First of all, cosplaying is awesome. Second, this is forward-thinking fashion. You'll be setting trends and when people see you, they'll want to dress like you."

Jimmy saw the genuine sparkle in his daughter's eye. "You really think so? I don't look like a fool dressed like this?"

"Everything looks great on you, Mr. Crystal," Jerry sang.

The wolf's chest swelled a bit. "Well... can't argue with that."

Porsha jumped up and locked arms with her father. "Let's get out of here and hit the town!"

After paying, they headed for the exit and saw a swarm of paparazzi buzzing outside.

"Someone must've tipped off the loser brigade," Jimmy growled.

"Sorry daddy, but it was me."

"Why would you...?"

"I wanted to show off this outfit." She blinked at him with wide, innocent eyes. "You said you'd do whatever I wanted to do but I knew you'd say no to the paparazzi so... I left that part out."

"You've been around Moon too long," Jimmy grumbled.

The trio braced themselves and ventured out into the night, where they were pelted with a wave of flashing lights and questions. Jerry tried his best to keep the mob at bay, but with his small stature and unthreatening voice, he was lucky not to get trampled in the fervor.

"Mr. Crystal! What are you wearing?" one of the paparazzi called out.

"It's called Cyberpunk Chic and it's a Porsha Crystal Ensemble!" Porsha interjected. She drew a T and M in the air with her finger and added, "Trademarked!"

Blankish Slates | Moonfall Vol. IIWhere stories live. Discover now