The Rival

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Buster's next few days were spent getting Roxy up to speed, helping her coalesce with the troupe and the show. It was right before a costume fitting that Porsha came to Buster, his phone in her hand and worry etched on her brows.

"It's Cassidy," she said, an ominous ring behind her voice.

Buster let out a quick laugh as he took the phone. "Oh, she's probably just checking in, seeing how Roxy is doing." Porsha didn't look convinced, so Buster casually answered the phone right there.

"Miss Cassidy? Hello! Roxy's doing just fine if that's what you were wondering about."

"That's good to hear," Cassidy said, "but that's not why I called. Your rival arrived last night. Now that's he's settled in, it's time to detail the competition. Come up to the Crystarium suite right away. Bring your troupe. They're a part of this, too."

"Yes, Miss Cassidy. We'll be there right away."

"What did she want?" Porsha asked after Buster ended the call. "Was it bad?"

"Porsha, get the troupe together. It's time to fight for our future."


Once the private suite of Jimmy Crystal, the Crystarium was taken over by Celeste Cassidy. When the Moon Troupe arrived, they understood why.

"This isn't a suite; it's a penthouse!" Rosita gasped.

The Crystarium was somehow more immaculate and luxurious than the other Crystal Tower Hotel rooms. Part of the room replicated a smaller version of the lobby décor, decorated with crystalized trees bursting with fluorescent leaves the color of cherry blossoms. A small stream dotted with lily pads snaked along the floor. They followed the stream to the lounge area, where Celeste was sitting on a pristine white couch. Next to her was a long table filled with snacks, finger foods and drinks, stationed by some of the hotel staff.

A few of the new security sentinels were posted around the room, unflinching and statuesque. Nooshy felt a chill slink down her spine. Something old and suppressed was trying to claw its way to the surface.

Celeste got up and came over to greet them. "Nothing less than disgustingly lavish from Jimmy Crystal, eh?" she said. "I always thought the crystal theme was tacky, but at least it pays some tribute to nature. Go on, eat up. This is all for you."

"As much as we appreciate this," Buster said, "I think we'd like to get business out of the way before pleasure." Behind him, Gunter quickly replaced the red velvet cupcake he took and backed away from the table with a sheepish grin.

"I can appreciate that. Let's get to it."

Nooshy playfully put up her fists. "Give us your best shot! We're ready."

"Let me introduce you to your rival. Aiden? Aiden, come out here."

"Aiden?" Buster echoed, brows furrowed. "It can't be..."

Stumbling out of the crystalized bushes was a ring-tailed lemur in khaki pants and an avocado shirt with the phrase "The Write Stuff" framed at the center in cursive. "Sorry, this place is so big. I got lost trying to find my way back."

"Everyone, this is-"

Celeste never finished her sentence. Buster zipped past her and pulled the lemur into a hug.

"Aiden!" he cried. "You're in Redshore!"

"Hey Buster," Aiden replied. He peered over the koala's head. "Eddie."

Eddie gave a nod of acknowledgement. "Hey Aiden."

"I shouldn't be surprised that you know each other," Celeste said, though she didn't appear as amused as she sounded. "You both come out of the Calatonia theater circuit, after all. Though Aiden never said anything about knowing you before now."

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