The Replacement II

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In the early morning, Johnny and Ryan set out for an outdoor shopping center near the heart of the city, a location Ryan said resembled a skate park. Activity was sparse with the shops not being open yet, giving Johnny enough freedom to ride his skateboard around and try a few tricks. Ryan sat on a set of steps, sipping away at the orange juice that was the only leftover from the fast food breakfast they grabbed on the way there. He was mesmerized by Johnny's moves, like watching an artist weaving a masterpiece right before his very eyes.

After a few minutes, Johnny rode back over to Ryan, frustration clear on his features. Ryan knew what was bothering him; everyone was reeling since yesterday when Buster told them Celeste Cassidy was ending Out of This World early.

"I can't get a read on this Cassidy lady," Johnny said. "First, she fires Porsha, then she ends the show early. Is she having a laugh? What do you think?"

"After watching that Across the Stars trailer, I can see her point. If a bunch of shows come out to rival us it might make Out of This World look like old hat."

"If everyone's responding to us, it means we're doing something right, yeah?"

Ryan took another gulp of orange juice. "It's probably an ego thing with her too. I heard she fell out with Crystal years ago, like real bad. She really hates his guts. Having to clean up his mess and run a show he took credit for must drive her up the wall."

"I had a bad feeling when Crystal stepped down. I didn't say anything because I knew how that would sound," Johnny murmured. "Anyway, I thought Mr. Moon would've fought a little bit harder to keep the show going."

"He did almost die for this show," Ryan said. "Maybe he wants to do something new without those painful memories? A fresh start for everybody."

Johnny fell silent from the sudden stab of guilt. He never looked at it from that perspective. To be able to do another show of that caliber but without the trauma, bad memories, and controversy associated with getting Out of This World off the ground was a rare opportunity. A way for Buster to set himself free. That would be true for all of them.

With those thoughts on his mind, he couldn't help but notice how chill the tiger was with it all. "You're taking this pretty well. Better than I am."

"I've been dancing in shows like this for years now. Some last a while, some don't last at all. I'm used to bouncing around."

"I didn't think about it that way. I guess this was just another gig for you."

"Not this time. I made some great friends here. And met someone that's more than a friend."

If that last sentence didn't get the point across, the sultry smolder in the tiger's eyes certainly did. Unused to being the center of such strong desires, Johnny let out a nervous laugh and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Gotta say, when I mentioned this place, I thought you'd bring Nooshy too," Ryan said. "I'm starting to feel bad. We used to be the Three Musketeers, now it's like we're leaving her out."

"I don't want her to feel like a third wheel."

"How would she know when she's still in the dark? What are you afraid of? You think she'll be jealous? For all you know, she might end up rooting for us."

Johnny sucked in a breath like he was stricken with sharp pain. "I know, I know," he replied, barely above whisper. "But if this is thing between us is gonna work... there needs to be time for just us. Sorry, I'm still figuring things out. What I know is I did want you to myself this morning."

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