You Are Saved Yet Another Day - Colton Terris

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"Oh my god..I'm alive?" I wondered as I woke up in a crib similar to my one at home.

Home. I don't know where my house is.

"Ah~ I see that my little bad boy woke up~" Daddy walked into the room.

"I-I thought I was decapitated!" I struggled to speak.

"Well, you were but..I kinda have this thing where...whatever.."

I started to feel a pleasing vibration on my bulge.

"Wht..." I groaned as I felt the need to cum. "Oh my gosh~"

"Good boy~ make stickies for daddy~" he winked. I knew he was a charming bitch.

I couldn't take it anymore. I started cumming so much it drooped as I moaned in delight.

"I love you cutie~" he smirked and picked me up. I realized I had stitches around my neck.

He brought me upstairs.

"Boys, I brought Colton back to life. Colton. Please be nice and follow the rules, I'm not trying to be a creep but I just think it's so cute when you guys get along." Daddy said.

"Yes daddy.." I ran off and played with the other boys.

"What's that on your neck?" The new guy, Devin asked.

I covered my neck I realized that I was so insecure about my body. I ran up into my room and shut the door and start bawling.

You're so ugly. No one would want a weirdo like you. My mind hypnotized my thoughts.

You're stupid and fat. No one will like you ever.

I was still crying hysterically when daddy and the boys knocked on my door, concerned.

"Colton? We just wanted to check on you.." Ray said.

"Yeah we wanted to see if anything was wrong." Mason inputted.

"Go away.." I run into the corner of my room and cry more.

Daddy barges down the door and runs over to me with Devin, Mason, and Ray.

"What's wrong?" Daddy asked, worried.

"I-my mind cant stop racing and I-"

Everyone hugged me. I don't know what happened but it snapped me out of it.

I sniffled.

"Thanks guys..and daddy." I wiped away a tear.

"Now..who wants to go out to eat?"

"Me! Me! Me! Me!" We all shouted and giggled with excitement.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2023 ⏰

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