Chapter 2

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This morning was definitely not going to plan. The blaring of my alarm clock yanked me from the depths of sleep, and I groaned, fumbling for the snooze button.Typical but in my sleep deprived state I fumbled for my phone and silenced the noise, just a few more minutes of precious sleep.

But those few minutes turned into a sleep-induced stupor, and the next thing I knew, I was jolted awake by a voice in my head shouting, You're late! My eyes shot open, and I glanced at the clock. It was 8:45 a.m., and my first class started at 9:00 a.m.

"Fuck!" I cursed as I leaped out of bed, my heart racing. This was not how I had envisioned starting the semester. Rushing to the bathroom, I attempted to freshen up in record time, my toothbrush practically vibrating in my hand. The toothpaste foam didn't taste minty; it tasted like panic.

As I raced to my closet, I tried to gather my thoughts. What do I need? Where's my backpack? I could feel the seconds ticking away. I threw on the first outfit I saw and grabbed my backpack, which was conveniently tucked away behind my bedroom door.

With my hair still a tangled mess, I made a beeline for the kitchen. Please let there be something edible, I silently prayed. My eyes landed on a lonely Eggo waffle sitting in the toaster, and I grabbed it, not even bothering to wait for it to pop up. I held it in my mouth like a torch, while balancing my keys, wallet, water bottle, and whatever other miscellaneous stuff I could manage in my hands, which I should've prepared the night before.

I rushed out my door, careful not to drop anything when locking up behind myself. Already leaving my place later than I wanted to, I ran (more like a fast walk, you won't catch me running ever) to campus to arrive at my first class of the semester on time.

I glanced at the mirror before heading out the door, realizing I looked like a chaotic whirlwind. Hair askew, shirt half-tucked, and crumbs from the Eggo waffle decorating my chin. Perfect. Just perfect, I thought.

With a hurried slam of the door, I bolted down the hallway of my apartment building, careful not to trip over my own feet. The clock on my phone taunted me as I raced toward campus. It was 8:55 a.m., and I still had a few blocks to go.

I could almost feel the minutes slipping away, each one bringing me closer to the inevitable. I knew I was going to arrive late to my first class of the semester, and there was nothing I could do about it now.

I finally reached campus, panting and disheveled, and power walked across campus, dodging students who were leisurely walking to their classes. The crisp morning air ruffled my hair as I hurriedly through the crowded courtyards. A gust of wind turned my unruly strands into a wild dance, obscuring my vision. Cursing under my breath, I fumbled for a jaw clip in my bag, desperately trying to regain control. In a haste, I gathered it and went to jaw clip it up when I bumped into someone. I was so engrossed in the battle with my rebellious hair that I didn't notice the person approaching until it was too late.

I collided with a solid mass, nearly losing my balance. My heart raced as I stumbled back, my hair clip slipping from my fingers and onto the ground. My eyes met a pair of cold, unforgiving ones, and my stomach sank – Harry.

My stomach sank.

"Watch where you're going, yeah?" Harry's voice dripped with annoyance as he glared down at me.

My cheeks flushed with a mixture of embarrassment and irritation. Why did it have to be him again? I muttered an apology, "Sorry," and moved to sidestep him.

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