Chapter 14

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"You have arrived at your destination, New Star Cafe." The Google Maps GPS lady spoke into my headphones. I continued to stare ahead scanning the surrounding shops for the coffee shop. Where the hell is it? My eyes continued to search, walking around to see if I had somehow missed it. After a good couple minutes of trying to locate the building, I pulled out my phone and decided to reach out to Harry.

Me: Are you here?

I looked up again while I waited for his response, just to see if my eyes somehow were deceiving me before.

Harry: No need to change first, give me like 15 mins.

Me: Bro where even is this place??

Harry: What do you mean

I began typing out my situation, but before I could formulate my text response, Harry was calling me.

"Hey" I breathed out.

"What do you mean?" He repeated, "Like you can't find the cafe?"

"Yeah, obviously"

"Are you lost?" I overheard some shuffling on his end.

"No. I mean I'm here, but the coffee shop isn't"

"What?" I heard him chuckle, "So you also don't know how to follow directions either? I literally gave you perfectly clear directions on how to get there." He exclaimed.

"Excuse me, I followed them and they clearly didn't work if I can't see it. I even put it in Maps and it says I'm here but I cannot see it anywhere I swear!" I explained letting out an exaggerated sigh.

"Impossible." I could just picture him rolling his eyes, "How far are you from the football stadium?"

I glanced at my surroundings, realizing that I was already near the football field. "Like a two minute walk."

"Alright just come to the stadium instead, I'll just meet you here and we can go to New Star together, since you obviously have trouble navigating yourself." Harry suggested. It seemed like a convenient alternative, considering my current predicament. "Fuck off. Whatever I'm on my way." I spoke with a hint of amusement laced in my tone.

"Don't get lost on your way." He threw back before we ended our call.

Already began my way towards my new destination, I tracked up the slight hill with a huff. I took off my headphones, shoving them somewhere in my backpack, noticing Harry's figure waiting at the stadium's entrance. "Hm so I guess you can manage to find your way around," Harry voiced when I reached him. I stared back at him trying to hide any amusement on my face, but ultimately failed when a chuckle left my lips. "I just have to grab my bag from the locker room, so uh I guess welcome to your very own private little backstage tour." He gave a little twirl with his hands wide, as he led us further into the stadium.

I raised an eyebrow, feigning nonchalance. "Well, aren't I lucky to be granted this exclusive access? Do I get a VIP pass or something?"

He snickered, the sound echoing through the empty stadium. "Consider yourself a VIP guest for today. I'll show you the secret nooks and crannies that only players and staff are privy to."

As we entered the backstage area, I was instantly struck by the different atmosphere. The air hummed with anticipation, and the scent of fresh grass mingled with a hint of adrenaline. I was surrounded by a maze of corridors and doors, each leading to a different part of the stadium.

Harry took the lead, guiding me through the labyrinth of hallways. He pointed out various rooms and facilities, giving me a glimpse into the behind-the-scenes operations of the field. I listened intently as Harry shared tidbits of information, his passion for the sport evident in his voice. His enthusiasm was infectious, and I found myself being drawn into his world, a world I never fully understood before.

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