Chapter 12

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As consciousness slowly seeped into my foggy mind, I was greeted by the unwelcome presence of a pounding headache. My eyes fluttered open, revealing a room bathed in soft morning light. I groaned, regretting every sip of alcohol I indulged in last night and buried my face deeper into the pillow, trying to block out the harsh reality of the morning.

The hangover had settled in with full force, and I already knew this wouldn't be an easy morning. My head was pounding, my mouth felt as dry as the Sahara desert, and every muscle in my body ached.

I took a deep breath, mustering the strength to sit up, but my body rebelled against the movement. It was as if gravity was doubled, making even the simplest tasks feel like the most difficult task I had to endure. Each muscle protested, reminding me of my reckless choices and the price I had to pay.

"Come on, Ev," I muttered to myself, my voice a mix of exhaustion and frustration. "Get your sorry self out of bed. Life doesn't wait for hangovers."

My inner voice chimed in with its snarky commentary, making it clear that I had no one to blame but myself. Ah, the joys of self-inflicted suffering. Bravo. Truly, you've outdone yourself this time.

I gingerly lifted myself up, wincing at the waves of nausea that crash through my body. The room spun around me, adding insult to injury. Contemplating if drinking was even a smart decision, though I should have known better, in the moment, the allure of forgetting my troubles seemed irresistible. 

With a surge of determination, I swung my legs over the side of the bed, slowly shifting my weight until I was sitting upright. The room continued to spin around me, but I grit my teeth and pushed through.

As I stumbled my way to the bathroom, steadying myself against the walls, every step sent jolts of pain through my aching body, though the cool tiles soothed against my bare feet. My gaze fell upon the scattered remnants of the night's indulgence. 

My reflection in the mirror was a sight to behold—a disheveled mess of tangled hair and bloodshot eyes. I resembled a creature straight out of a horror movie, and it was a cruel embodiment of the chaos that consumed me last night.

The sound of running water provided some solace as I splashed cold water on my face, hoping to wash away the residue of last night's choices. But no amount of water could cleanse the memory and regret that weighed me down. They lingered, like stubborn stains on my conscience.

I reached for the painkillers, desperate for relief from the throbbing in my temples. As I swallowed them down, a bitter taste filled my mouth—both literal and metaphorical.

I blindly searched the sink countertop for my toothbrush and squeezed out a dollop of toothpaste to rid the foul taste and breath. The sharp minty flavor pierced my senses, momentarily clearing the fog in my mind. As I brushed my teeth, I couldn't help but replay the conversations from the previous night, cringing at every word that slipped from my lips.

The smell of coffee wafted into the bathroom, a lifeline of hope in the midst of my hangover-induced despair. I followed the aroma into the kitchen, where Melissa greeted me with a mix of sympathy and amusement.

"Rough night, huh?" she asked, pouring me a steaming mug of black coffee.

I nodded weakly, accepting the cup with trembling hands. The warmth radiated through me, offering a small respite from the storm raging within. "I swear, I'm never drinking again," I muttered, taking a cautious sip.

"And on a weekday, you decided to get shitfaced. Why?" Her brow raised accusingly, though she eyed me with concern. Melissa knew me all too well, sensing when something was amiss.

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