Chapter 19

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I stifled a yawn as I trudged across campus, my heavy backpack making each step more cumbersome. The early hour and lack of coffee had me moving on autopilot towards my first lecture of the day.

Just as I resigned myself to a morning of mind-numbing lectures, a cheerful voice called out "Eveee!" before I was enveloped in a crushing bear hug that lifted me clear off the ground.

"Niall!" I exclaimed, the breath knocked out of me. But I couldn't help the smile spreading across my face at my friend's enthusiasm.

Niall set me down, grinning from ear to ear. "There's my favorite person's, favorite person! Was starting to think you'd skipped town without saying goodbye," he teased.

I rolled my eyes affectionately. "Oh yes, I moved to Fiji and didn't tell a soul. You guys caught me."

"Knew it!" Niall declared, ruffling my hair playfully. "Well lucky for you, I brought sustenance for your weary academic soul."

With a flourish, he presented two large iced coffees and a bag of pastries from our favorite campus bakery. My eyes lit up.

"Have I told you lately that I'm glad Mel found you?" I sighed blissfully, already sipping the creamy, caffeinated nectar.

Niall slung an arm around my shoulder as we continued walking. "Only every time I feed you, which is becoming a daily habit," he chuckled.

But his eyes shone with quiet fondness, betraying the depth of care beneath the joking exterior.

That was Niall though - always looking out for his friends in small but meaningful ways. Niall adopted the older brother type relationship with me after officially dating Melissa. Always making sure to bring me some pastries if he was coming by to see his girlfriend. I questioned it at first, if this was his way to bribe me, along with keeping himself on my good side. He laughed back saying it was his masterplan for me to always subconsciously root for him, if Melissa were to ever have any doubts. I cherished our easy rapport and the comfort of having someone who knew me so well.

We chatted animatedly as we made our way to my class, filling Niall in on the latest drama with my workplace while he recounted this apparently hilarious story of what his professor did.

Before I knew it, we had reached the lecture hall, the coffee and pastries already devoured. I turned to Niall with a smile."Thanks for the breakfast pick-me-up." I said sincerely.

"Anytime, Evie. I've got your back," Niall replied, pulling me in for another quick hug before heading off with a cheerful wave.

"Stop, only Melissa is allowed to call me that" I yelled back in a huff as he continued to walk away.

I entered the lecture hall feeling considerably more cheerful. Trust Niall to transform an otherwise dull start to the day.


Melissa, Niall and some friends met up for dinner at our favorite Italian restaurant. The cozy ambience and savory aromas immediately lifted my spirits. Laughter and conversation flowed easily around the table.

Under the mood lighting, Harry looked unfairly handsome. I tried not to stare, but my eyes were helplessly drawn to him throughout the meal.

At one point, Harry leaned over intimately and reached across me for the grated parmesan cheese. His hand lingered on my lower back, fingers splayed and warm. The simple touch felt charged.

"Sorry love, didn't mean to disrupt your meal," he said with a playful grin that told me he knew exactly the effect he had on me. The spot where his hand had been now felt like it was burning.

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