Chapter 35

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We entered a main room in the building where the rest of the group was relaxing. They all looked up as we entered. Nicky whistled, "Wow. You are in rough shape."

I growled half-heartedly at her, "Thanks..." My sarcasm was definitely recovering faster than my wounds. No surprise there.

Nicky chuckled, "I told them that I would probably be the first to get a growl out of you. Guess I win that bet. Welcome back by the way."

There was a chair a bit to the side, away from the others, and I sat in that one. Daniel took one not that far from me while Nina sat by him. Hank was sitting by a fireplace and held up an empty bowl, "Want some soup? The rest of us already ate lunch."

I nodded, "Half a bowl would be good, thanks."

I was trying to be polite since I knew my manners weren't going to last long. Nightstalkers were known for being easily irritable for good reason, injured ones were even worse. They were likely going to figure that out very shortly. Daniel got up to take the bowl and pass it to me. As much as my instincts didn't want the higher-ranking zombie so close to me, my human mind preferred him over the humans at the moment.

I was full from the deer blood, but I managed to down the soup. My stomach ached a bit from the amount of food I forced into it, but I knew I would be burning through calories like a fire through dry kindling. I may have been awake, but even that small walk had tired me.

Ben stretched, "We will stay here until tomorrow morning. Think you are up for a truck ride tomorrow?"

They must have found the part for the truck. At least they weren't asking me to walk. I didn't feel like being jounced around in the back of a truck, but I nodded anyway. Nina perked up a bit, "I know that you originally planned to head home once we hit the Stronghold, but it might be best if you stayed there until your injuries healed."

I turned my head to examine the lady who I was quite certain had patched up those very injuries, "I don't like Strongholds. My past experiences with them have been anything but good."

She nodded with a kind expression, "I can see that. This place has no problem with Daniel, so your presence won't bother them. Besides, you took two bullets meant for me. I can't exactly let you go off alone when you are barely able to walk."

Daniel fixed his eyes on me as he knew her last sentence would have triggered my instincts. I didn't dare growl at the lady while her bodyguard was watching so intently. I settled for sighing gustily in annoyance at her high handed assumption that she could control where I went, "I prefer to avoid large groups of humans, so I would rather not stay in one of those places."

Nina looked amused, "I'll make a deal with you. When we get there, if you can outrun me for half an hour then you can head wherever you like. If you can't, then it shows that you are still recovering and you stay with us."

I gritted my teeth as I looked away from the crafty lady. I wouldn't be able to win that bet for at least five days and I knew it. Apparently she did too.

Daniel sighed, "I'll tell you what. If anyone gives you trouble, I will set them straight. Very few dare to irritate Nina and even fewer want to cross me."

Daniel was offering to protect me instead of threatening to flatten me into a Nightstalker pancake. This had to be a first. I also had no clue what to say in response to that. This scenario had never even crossed my mind.

Nicky rubbed her hands together gleefully, "Count me in as well. If anyone tries to pull any underhanded tricks, I get to go after them. I have four cans of tomato juice in my backpack that I have been dying to use. If they work on zombies, they will probably have some effects on humans too."

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