Chapter 92

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Nina checked the bread and figured it was done. The meat was also done by then too. They didn't bother offering me any, and that was just fine by me. It smelled good, but I had no appetite for it. All three of them sat down with plates and started eating.

A relaxing evening breeze picked up and brought smells from the forest behind us. I turned my head and took a deeper breath. This world was getting smaller and smaller all of the time. I silently got to my feet and walked toward the edge of the roof.

The others watched me leaving with confused looks. Daniel spoke, "Is something wrong?"

I shook my head, "No, I will be back shortly."

I jumped off the roof before anyone had a chance to reply or ask another question. I was focused on the scent though. He had to know I was here. In fact, my presence was probably the only reason he was approaching. He was polite enough to approach from upwind where I could scent him.

He had probably been quite the chivalrous gentleman in his previous life. He still attempted it, but the virus curtailed his actions and rational thoughts. I was out of sight in the trees by now and started running. He was quite a ways out, but that was a good thing. It meant that Daniel probably wouldn't pick up his scent even if he was trying to read the wind.

It took me almost 15 minutes to get close. I let my footsteps make noise so he could hear me coming. I slowed down as I got closer so I didn't trigger his instincts too badly.

A low growl greeted me just before I stepped out of the trees. I growled a welcome in reply, it was a lower tone with no force behind it. The blonde haired man looked like a track runner with his tall and thin build. My instincts stirred a bit at the sight of the Runner, but since he wasn't challenging me, my instincts subsided.

His red eyes flashed as he grinned, "I thought it was your scent I picked up. Good to see you again."

I bared my teeth in a grin, "I was just as surprised to catch your scent. What have you been up to?"

He relaxed as his own instincts subsided. As a Runner, my Nightstalker rank would have put him somewhat on edge when I appeared in front of him. This was one of the few times zombie instincts made things easier for sane zombies. As long as he didn't challenge or provoke me, I wouldn't threaten or harm him and his instincts relied on that knowledge and assumed it was safe. We were both running on zombie rules at the moment, which was making things simpler.

He leaned against a tree, "Traveled here and there. I didn't really stop for more than a few days even if I met another sane zombie. I did encounter another sane Runner who lives beside a massive lake. He had been a farmer before and still raises rabbits and chickens. It was a really interesting setup since he didn't want to stress the animals by going near them daily."

Runners weren't fast enough to run down rabbits, so a farm setting was easier for a Runner if they didn't mind the labor involved. Most who managed to retain control usually relied on live traps or snares. I took a deep breath, but since there was no scent of blood I suspected that he had not had a successful hunt for several days.

I tilted my head, "Feel like catching up over a deer?"

His eyes brightened as he grinned ferally at me, "Now that sounds like one hell of an idea."

I could smell some deer nearby. I bared my teeth in response, "Follow my scent."

I turned and swiftly disappeared into the trees as my footsteps fell silent. It took me less than a minute to follow my nose to the nearest deer. It was grazing, unaware of me stalking it. My form was silent and invisible as I crept in closer.

The Virus Within (Original rough draft)Where stories live. Discover now