Chapter 90

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Both Nina and Nicky were up by the time I walked through the door. I dropped my bundles of traps on the floor with a clatter and dryly commented, "I highly advise against anyone going more than a hundred meters from this building."

Daniel growled lowly at the sight of them, "Where did you find those? I didn't come across anything and I went further than that last night."

I took a seat in a chair while watching the humans eat breakfast. "They were mostly toward the east, but I don't feel like lingering in this place. How soon can we head out?"

Nina shrugged, "If you feel like packing, we can leave as soon as we finish eating. We already washed the pot. The plates are paper, so we just have the cutlery to wash." She just seemed to think that there were just traps out there and was evidently not aware of the stranger.

If she thought the idea of a bit of work was going to dissuade me, then she was wrong. The last thing I wanted was for that guy to show up with a rifle. I wasn't entirely too sure how far off his rocker he was, but he had hung around for a couple of weeks waiting for deadly zombies to return for revenge.

I got up and started hauling bags out to the truck. Nicky watched me in slight surprise, "What's got you up in an antsy? I have never seen you volunteer to do all of the packing before."

I glanced back at the far too perceptive woman, "Let's just say that I met the man who laid far more traps than what I packed back. I prefer to be gone before he decides to show up here."

Nina looked surprised, "I wasn't aware there was someone around here. Does he need a ride to a Stronghold?"

What was it with people offering complete strangers a ride without even meeting them?! Did I just not finish saying that he had laid traps in the area? I shook my head, "He has his own car."

Daniel tilted his head in slight suspicion, "And you didn't mention him earlier why..."

I made a face, "He would not be someone that any of us would feel comfortable traveling with. I would prefer to avoid him if possible. I am not entirely sure that he fits into the sane category."

Nicky chuckled, "That is what people say about me."

I snorted, "Compared to him, you are normal."

Nicky blinked in surprise and finished her last mouthful of food before standing up, "Okay, now you made me nervous. I will help you pack. Normal people scare me and there is no way anyone ever calls me normal."

I raised an eyebrow in disbelief, "Normal people scare you, so you hang out with zombies?"

She grinned at me, "Yep. Pissing off Daniel is an entertaining game with unlimited potential. It should be made an Olympic sport the way you and I compete to win the gold medal. You are just plain fun to hang out with."

Oh boy... There is no intervention in the world strong enough to help her at this point. I could not come up with any response to that comment. I hadn't realized just how far gone Nicky was. She considered annoying a Terror a sport and found an irritable Nightstalker fun to be around.

Nina looked surprised and alarmed while Daniel was clearly doubting Nicky's sanity. I shook my head and I glanced toward the open door. I went to the door and took a deep breath to confirm that the smell of smoke was not from our fire, "The sooner we get moving, the better."

Nina swiftly finished off the last of her bread with that warning before tossing the paper plate in the fire. Nicky grabbed her sleeping bag and backpack. I jumped in the back of the truck to secure a bag of groceries. I was too short to do it easily from the ground in such a large truck. Nicky passed me her load and I swiftly secured it.

The Virus Within (Original rough draft)Where stories live. Discover now