Chapter 141

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Kelly gazed up at the sky thoughtfully. She didn't bother to camouflage her glowing red eyes, but none of us were hiding our eyes either. There was no need. Travis was silent as he also contemplated what I had told him.

About the only thing I hadn't told them was Daniel's inability to see at night. I counted that as his secret. I didn't spill my secrets to him about how I masked my scent trail or otherwise tricked him when he tried to track me. I classified that as a Nightstalker secret.

Kelly spoke slowly as she examined the small stars that twinkled through gaps in the tree canopy, "I honestly don't think I would want to be human again."

I shrugged, "That is why I am still a Nightstalker. I really like having the extra strength and speed, not to mention how fast I heal."

I had spoken at length about the cure and the controlex, so they knew all of the details. Travis watched his sister, "I agree with you Kelly. I know I wouldn't want to be human again, although I think things might be easier if I could get near humans without having to run away in fear of losing control."

His control around humans had always caused him a lot of difficulty. For some reason it affected him more than other Nightstalkers and caused him no end of grief. Kelly didn't seem overly surprised, "You are thinking of getting the controlex?"

"I think so. What are your thoughts?"

I was silent as I listened to them. Kelly considered it for some time, "Considering it didn't really have any negative effects, it does seem to be more beneficial than harmful. We won't have to worry about food at any rate."

Like most sane Nightstalkers, these two traveled with the bare minimum of supplies such as cooking implements and relied on raiding stores that were getting emptier and emptier. Not having to worry about your next meal would be a relief for them. Hunting was pretty easy and normally quite reliable.

We had also discussed Luke's rabbit shed as well as other domestic animals that a Nightstalker could get fairly close to. These two really weren't the farming type though. Luke loved it, but it wasn't for everyone.

Kelly looked at me, "It seems as if you have no real plans to leave this place even though they now have a cure and a decent vaccine."

I sighed heavily at her question, "I really have no idea about what I plan to do, but I don't see any real reason to leave. I never was one for traveling, which is why I settled down in that cabin in the first place. I just don't see any real point in returning there now."

In truth, I was completely undecided and was just going along for the ride at this point. Kelly nodded in understanding, "I can see that. At least you have people to talk to here. I would probably be quite lonely if Travis wasn't around. We never could figure out how you lived in that remote place by yourself even if you are a Nightstalker."

I really didn't have an answer to that. Travis shrugged as he dismissed the matter, "We have plenty of time to think about it. But I smell quite a few rabbits in the area and I doubt anyone would miss several of them."

I chuckled darkly, "Help yourself to as many rabbits as you want."

He grinned as he ducked under a tree branch and darted out of sight. Kelly perked up, "Hunting sounds good to me. Regroup in a bit?"

"Sure." I let Kelly get a head start before disappearing into the shadows myself. It didn't take me long to track down my rabbit and make my kill. The other two were probably either done or just finishing up.

I moved silently through the undergrowth as I circled the area to determine where they were. I knew they were likewise attempting to track each other as well as me. It was a game, of sorts. Like cat and mouse, only you could be either depending on your level of skill.

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