Not everyday is sunny (todd x neil)⚠️ ❤️ pt.1

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The bell rang for lunch as as always todd was super excited because he got to have lunch with his boyfriend as soon as he entered the cafeteria he saw his boyfriend and smiled before running and jumping into his arms "baby!!" Todd said excitedly neil laughed and swung todd around "hi baby! You're sure excited to see me" todd kissed neil deeply softly smiling as he kissed back "i missed you!!" Todd said happily neil chuckled and kissed his cheeks "i missed you too baby" he said softly "we aren't actually staying here and eating are we?" He asked looking up at him "is there somewhere else you want to go" neil said raising a brow "i think you know what i want" todd said with a smirk "oh" neil smirked back "i know what you want" he said picking him up and taking him to the bathroom going into the big stall. Todd blushed and nuzzled into neil's neck "thank you" he mumbled with a small whine. "I love you~" neil cooed pinning todd up against the wall kissing at his neck. "I love you too~ mmh~" todd softly moaned out as he felt neil's hand start rubbing his bulge "please~" todd whined out "please what?" Neil responded with a smirk "neilll don't be like thattt you know what i want!!" Todd whined and playfully pouted "can't hear ya" neil said with the same smirk "mmm...please fuck me~" todd begged as he gripped onto his shirt "at school? So naughty~" neil cooed as he kept rubbing todd's bulge "pants down princess" neil said in his ear. Todd hesitated and whimpered as his heart sank "um...n-neil? Y-you'd never get mad at me r-right...?" He asked nervously. "Of course not what's wrong baby?" Neil said worried as he rubbed todd's cheek. Todd carefully pulled down his pants revealing that he had relapsed "i-i-...I'm sorry..." todd said as he started crying "todd baby what's wrong? I thought you were going to stop? What happened?" Neil asked worried "i got yelled at and i-i couldn't help it i had a breakdown a-and you were busy and i-i didn't know what else to do" todd said slightly panicking as he cried. "Hey hey hey it's okay" neil said hugging him tightly and rubbing his back "shhh just breathe" he said softly as he heard todd try to breathe like he told him to "oh baby..." he kissed his head "cutting is never the answer. I'm sorry that i wasn't there for you.." he teared up a bit and made todd look him in the eyes "next time you feel like cutting please try and do something you like to distract yourself...i need you todd" he said softly kissing the ginger. "I'm sorry...i haven't been able to eat or sleep since then..." todd said still softly crying. "Baby..." neil rubbed todd's back "you know I'll always be here from now on right" he said softly as he hugged him tightly "i just need you to eat something small just to keep your energy up" he said softly as he helped him pull up his pants and picked him up. "What would i do without you" todd mumbled nuzzling into neil as he calmed down earning a chuckle from neil as he walked out of the bathroom and went to sit in the cafeteria with sal and larry. "Welcome back gays" Larry said waving them over "finally done fucking?" He asked with a smirk. "We did not!! Do...that!!" Todd said embarrassed "well then what took so long?" Larry asked raising a brow. Todd teared up and hid his face in neil's neck before anyone could notice 'not the time' neil mouthed holding todd close and rubbing his back. "Sorry" larry said turning his attention to sal to give them space. Neil tried to have todd take a bite of the mac&cheese but he couldn't do it he was shaking and on the verge of tears. "We'll see you guys later. We're gonna eat outside today" neil said picking up todd and their stuff before going outside and sitting under a tree. Todd was still shaking and starting to cry "breathe my love" neil reminded hearing todd try to breathe "good job baby you're doing great" he said kissing his cheek. Todd started to calm down and cuddled into him. After a bit todd softly tugged on neil's shirt "c-can i try to um...e-eat...again?" He asked shakily "yea just don't push yourself" neil said getting the food and a fork for todd. Todd took a bite holding it in his mouth shaking "you've got this" neil said softly rubbing todd's side. Todd took a deep breath before chewing and swallowing knowing it was the only thing he had eaten that week. "Good job baby!!" Neil said kissing him and eating with him. Todd softly smiled and ate a little bit more and managed to eat everything he was given even if ut was just a small container of mac&cheese "i-i did it..." todd said tearing up "are you proud of me?" He asked nervously "i am very proud of you" neil reassured as he kissed his cheek repeatedly making todd giggle "thank you" todd said softly as he nuzzled into neil's neck "you're welcome my love" neil said back holding him close "i love you" todd said quietly "i love you too" neil said taking a bite of green beans before todd kissed him and stole the green beans from his mouth and ate them. Todd giggled and covered his mouth as he chewed and swallowed "bro!!" Neil said with a laugh as he took another bite of green beans. Todd giggled at Neil's reaction and looked up at him with puppy eyes "can i sit in your lap in class too?" He asked softly "fine you're lucky you're cute" Neil said kissing him. Todd kissed back and smiled before going in neil's bag and grabbing his hoodie putting it on "you little thief" neil said with a chuckle as he kissed all over todd's face being interrupted by the bell.

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