Chapter 4 - Strangers...

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Gabriel: Suki, stop calling us Mister. Even if you think of us as strangers, we are your family. So please, talk to me freely and call me Gabriel at least.

Salvatore: Gabriel is right. I would appreciate if you call me Dad...

Suki didn't look at Salvatore. She was not ready to even consider that man as her father, so calling him Dad, not an option. It was only her and her mother since she was born, and it was enough for her. No need for a paternal figure or brothers that clearly didn't want to have her in their lives. Gabriel served her a glass of juice; he felt her embarrassment.

Gabriel: Here. What do you want with this? Just a glass of juice is not enough.

Suki: Thank you... I am not hungry.

Salvatore: If you don't like what is on the table, our chef can prepare anything you want. You have to eat something. 

Gabriel: Fruits? It's light and good for your health.

Enzo: Are you two playing with a doll? Stop forcing her to eat if she doesn't want to. (Suki looked at him, surprised of his help.)

Salvatore: Enzo, we are not forcing her, but it is better for her to start the day with a good meal.

Enzo: Dad, not everyone eat 3 meals a day... either by choice, convenience or just because they can't afford it!

Suki kept her eyes on Enzo. That boy, with a face saying "I don't care about anything" was stating things that seemed so simple, but so true too. If a young man like him could understand that, why an adult like Mr Smith, couldn't? 

Suki: Sorry, I am really not hungry. Mister, when can I see Mom? 

Enzo: Hump... are you sure to be her father? It doesn't seem that she accepts you... if she didn't have the same eyes as Gab, I would have bet that you kidnapped her...

Gabriel: Enzo, stop your bul... nonsense.

Salvatore: Mr Park, the social worker, is coming at noon. When this formality is over, I will take you to the hospital. But Suki, please, stop with the Mister thing.

Gabriel put a plate of fruits in front of Suki, in hope that she will at least try to eat if the food was served. Enzo continued his feast and soon, they were joined by Dante and Gianni. They were sweaty, coming from the gym room. They were talking to each others and stopped when they entered the dinning room and spotted Suki. They both sat at the opposite side of the table.

Gianni: So, it was not just a bad dream caused by the alcohol...

Salvatore: Both of you could have take a shower before coming here. (He sighed.)

Gianni: Why? (He smelled himself.) I do not stink! (He took off his shirt, exposing his numerous tattoos and some old wounds.)

Gabriel: Gianni... (He eyed toward Suki.)

Gianni: What? I will not change my way of living just because that thing is here for few days!

Gabriel: Gianni! (His tone was harder.) Change your attitude!

Salvatore: Boys, calm down. The dinning table is not a place to fight, even more between brothers. Davide and Vito are still sleeping?

Dante: Probably...

Salvatore: The social worker is coming soon, and I would like to have a family meeting before, so everyone can introduce himself to Suki and I can explain everything to you. I will see all of you in the living room in 30 minutes.

A missing piece... The other half - A Mafia Brothers StoryOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora