Chapter 10 - New School...

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It was Monday morning and the first day of Suki in her new private and very prestigious school. She woke up early and was ready as planned with her father for 7.00am. Her school started at 8.00am and was only 15 minutes away from home.

When she came downstairs, Salvatore was waiting for her with Gabriel. She had to stop by the dining room for breakfast even if she didn't really want to eat. Vito was present too and he didn't look at her at all, as if she didn't exist.

Salvatore: Suki, are you ready for school? (She nodded, not really sure to be ready.) This morning, I'm going to drive you to school, I don't think Vito is ready to take you with him in his car...

Vito: You're right! It's never going to happen. (He looked at Suki with menacing eyes.) And over there, never say that you know me.

Salvatore: Vito, please, don't begin. Suki, I will do my best to pick you up too but if I can't, one of your brother will do.

Gabriel: I'm sure that everything is going to be okay but in case you don't feel good, just call one of us, okay? 

Suki: Okay...

Salvatore: Did you read the brochure I gave you last night? Do you have question about the school functioning?

Suki: No, it was clear, thank you. I can take the bus to go or come back from school, you don't have to bother yourself.

Salvatore: There is no bus for that school, but you don't have to worry about transportation. If necessary, one of my man can drive you too. Anyway, take a good breakfast and we will leave at 7.30, so you can have time to find your way in school before your first class. I have received your timetable already, and one of the school attendant will show you all you need to know. When you're done, join me in the living room.

Salvatore left to the living room and at the same time, Dante and Davide entered the dining room. The second son looked at Suki but didn't say anything while Davide couldn't resist to bump onto the little girl's chair, almost making her fall. Gabriel kept his calm but just by a look, he made him understand to stop his stupid behavior.

Suki didn't spend more time at the breakfast table, and she joined her father. After giving her the timetable, he tried to give her pocket money, but she strongly refused. Salvatore didn't insist. The fees food were already taking in charge with the registration, so she didn't really need money to go to school. Salvatore was only sad that his daughter didn't let him a tiny space to be closer to him.

At the chosen time, they left the house, and the ride was silence, almost awkward. Salvatore stopped the car in front of the school entry gate. Some students were already arriving.

Suki: Thank you... (She was about to open the door.)

Salvatore: Suki..., hold on. I'm sure everything is going to be fine. You are a smart and good kid, so try to make friends.

Suki: Have a good day. (She got out of the car.)

Salvatore: Fumiko... If only you had come to me earlier... (He left after seeing his daughter entering the school.)

Suki was walking with apprehension. She was a small girl, and she would love to even be transparent right now. There wasn't a lot of students presents, mostly kids of her age, but their stares were already on her. She was new, clearly not the Caucasian type, and at view of those around her, there shouldn't have a lot of Asian people frequenting that school. She stopped near the administration office and immediately a woman welcomed her. 

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