Chapter 15 - Otô-san...

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After her talk with Gabriel, Suki took a long shower. Then, she cleaned her uniform and started her homework. She tried to focus on it, but her mind was wondering if what happened with Amanda would bring more troubles for her with Vito or at school with the teenage girl and her friends.

Later in the evening, she was called for dinner. No one mentioned the incident at school but before going upstairs, Salvatore asked his daughter to stay with him for a cup of tea.  

Salvatore: Suki, I will not ask you why you kept what happened at school for you, but in the future, please, don't hide things like that from us, from me. As a parent, not knowing that his own child is suffering, is torturous. I have already missed a lot in your life, I want to be a good father for you and part of this job is to protect you.

Suki: (She was looking down, embarrassed.) I am sorry...

Salvatore: Suki, look at me. (She looked up.) You are not at fault. Can you promise me to tell me or your brothers if something happens now? (She nodded.) Good. Do you want to share something to me?

Suki: Haru, my friend was hurt while protecting me...

Salvatore: Gabriel told me that and also that he spoke with your friend's mother. I guess that you feel guilty but just like a parent take care of his child, a good person take care of his friends.

Suki: It's the first time that I have a friend... it's a bit awkward sometimes. I don't want to bother him.

Salvatore: I am sure that Haru values your friendship just as much as you.

They continued to talk, and Salvatore was glad that the day ended by that quiet discussion with his daughter. It was a nice moment, just the two of them. If only Fumiko didn't hide that they had a child together, he could have been part of her life, he could have protected her, and his daughter wouldn't wear that sad look most of the time.

Salvatore checked his watch, and it was already 10.00pm. Pretty early for a man like him but not for his little girl, but he didn't want to stop their conversation.

Suki: In the library, I saw books in Italian and French, you can speak that too?

Salvatore: Yes, Italian without issue, it's our heritage and a bit of French, my wife loved to speak French. Are you interested by learning another language? I know that you speak Japanese fluently already, but maybe you know other ones?

Suki: Just few words in Korean, but I thought... that I could learn a new one... one that you... speak... 

She was too shy to express clearly to Salvatore that she was interested about him, his culture, his life. He noticed her pinky cheeks and he felt proud to have a daughter like Suki. She was a gift to him.

Salvatore: I will be honored to teach you Italian personally or to find a good teacher for you. And in exchange, you can teach me few words in Japanese, deal? (She nodded with a little smile.) Great! It's pretty late now, you should go rest and we can talk more tomorrow. 

Suki stood up and grabbed the empty cup of tea on the table to take it to the kitchen.

Salvatore: Don't bother yourself with that.

Suki: Have a good night... Otô-san...

Suki quickly left the living room, a bit embarrassed to name Salvatore father for the first time.

The head of the family saw his little girl disappeared quickly after and he chuckled, with a happy face. Sharing a beer with his sons after a though day was pleasant but having a simple tea with his daughter was a new and calming experience.

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