Chapter 22 - Gianni's training...

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Gianni: My Dad doesn't think that it is necessary, but I think the contrary... (She was staring at him, not understanding.)... it's time for you to learn how to defend yourself... or at least, to try to stay alive if someone tries to harm you!

Suki's mind seemed to have stop functioning. Gianni, that tall, bulk, tattooed man, wanted to teach her how to fight? How? He could easily break her in two with two fingers. He was doing 2 times her size!

Suki: Is... it a punishment?

Gianni: What? No! Are you stupid?!

Suki: I... I don't want to... (She stepped back.)... it will hurt... you're too strong and tall and...

Gianni: I'm not going to beat your ass! I will only teach you how to defend yourself if someone tries to hurt you! One of us will not always be there to protect you! What if a situation like... the other day... happens again? What will you do?!

The memory of the incident that happened in that same place was still vivid in Suki's mind, just like in Gianni's one.

Gianni: I don't say that for you to freak out! Don't you want to be able to protect yourself too?

Suki: ... Okay... (She was not really convinced.)

Gianni: Don't move, I'm bringing protections, so you won't be afraid to hurt yourself!

Gianni quickly went to the supplies room and came back with protections and gloves used by the fighters while training. He put a helmet on her head and tried his best to adjust it, but it was still too big. He did the same with the gloves.

Gianni: I should buy kids' kits... so, listen to me and try to do the same. There is nothing difficult, but it can safe your life one day.

Suki: ... Okay...

Gianni: (He smirked.) The scared little kitten is back...

Gianni put his gloves too and started to explain basic knowledges about boxing. Suki was focused, she didn't want her brother to be mad at her. The theory was easy to listen to but now, Gianni wanted to put it in practice.

Gianni: Ready? (She shook her head and he smirked.) Too bad... Lift your fists and hit on my gloves. (She did it and almost fell.) That's crazy, how can you be so weak?!

Suki: ... I'm... only 11... (She murmured but he heard her.)

Gianni: Really? Because with that body, I though that you were 7... max 8! (She frowned a little.) Keep going!

Suki hit once again Gianni's gloves and with the directives of her brother, it was a bit less difficult for her. She repeated the same movements several times before trying another exercise.

The little girl was diligent, and Gianni appreciated that, but he also didn't miss the opportunity to tease her when she didn't keep her guard as he had asked her, by lightly hitting the top of her head.

Suki: ... ahhh... (She stopped moving and stared at him.)

Gianni: That's what happens if you lose your focus!

Suki: ... It hurts...

Gianni: If that hurts, you can imagine what a bad person can do to you... if you were able to, wouldn't you have liked to punch Vito when he was choking you? Or that fu** asshole?

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