2 - Desert Mayhem

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"Hey, Commander, now that we're official members of TAPOPS, why don't you give us our first mission?" Gopal suggested, wiggling his eyebrows, "Hm, very well. Since the two of you are freshly hired cadets, we will start off with something safe and simple." Commander replied fidgeting with a tablet. "Aw, just give us something tough! We've fought against all types of evil aliens before, right, BoBoiBoy?" Gopal smirked, feeling confident. "uhh.." BoBoiBoy trailed off, "Yeah.." He added, unconfidently. "Hmm...so you want something tough, huh?" Commander KokoCi hummed before assigning them to the mission.

. . . 

"AAAAAAAAAA" both yelled in sync, before hiding behind a rock, trying to hide from the monster chasing them. "This is your fault dude!" Gopal shrieked terrified. "What?! My fault?! You wanted a tough mission, not me!" BoBoiBoy defended, panting heavily. "What did I say, I SAID TOUGH, NOT IM-" Gopal tried to yell, but got shutted up nu BoBoiBoy. "Sh.. its right behind us.." BoBoiBoy warned in a hushed tone.

. . .

"Commander, what planet did you assign them to?" Y/n asked, fidgeting around with her fingers, sitting on one of the seats available. "The planet I assigned them to do this mission, is Planet Garunda, it's a desert planet, meaning it is VERY dangerous." Commander KokoCi replied, looking at random statistics on the screen shown in the spaceship. 

"A desert,  Planet Garunda. It can get very hot, reaching up to 100 degrees ceclius." Commander Koko Ci replied, as Ying and Yaya nodded, yeah! When you we're double checking the ships engine, Commander told us and even gave them an info tablet on it!" Yaya replied smiling, clasping her hands and putting them under her chin. 

"This tablet?" Y/n asked, picking up a tablet dropped on the ship's floors, as Commander Koko Ci had a panicked look on his green box headed face. "WHAT?! Why on earth did they leave that tablet?!" He added as Ying picked it up, "Stay alert on rocky areas? What does that mean?" Ying asked as Y/n shrugged. "Maybe there's an entity that can harm them?" Y/n replied as Ying nodded. "Indeed." Commander Koko Ci replied in a stressed manner. "oh sh-"

. . .

"BoBoiBoy! Put that thing back to where you picked it up from! You'll be in danger if you don't!" Ying warned through the intercoms, as Gopal angrily shoved BoBoiBoy out of the screen. "Hey! This line is for the official TAPOPS members only!" He scolded before turning the call off. Until, a purple beast-like entity came out of the ground, roaring. "RUN!! WAIT NO, DRIVE!!"  BoBoiBoy panicked as his vehicles popped out of literally no where, before Gopal got into his jeep, and BoBoiBoy in his motorbike. "What in the actual world was that thing?!" BoBoiBoy yelped as Gopal kept screaming.

 The Monster reaches them and sends Gopal flying out of his jeep. Leaving BoBoiBoy to be the only one to save him. "BoBoiBoy Wind!" He called before using his wind surf and saving Gopal, making him ride his motorbike. "Gopal get that thing off!" He called out driving, monster, as he tried to hit the monster trying to change it into cotton candy, but hits the sand and rocks instead, failing.

"Watch out BoBoiBoy!" Gopal shrieked, "Elemental Power! BoBoiBoy Lightning!" He called, transforming to his lightning form with Gopal still behind him riding his MotorBike. 

"Lightning-" he chanted, getting cut off by Gopal.

"Dude don't you dare, am right behind yo-"

"Dash!" he finally finished his sentence before dashing with bolts of electricity, electrifying Gopal in the process. The tides were close so he had to transform into a more defensive element, aka earth, even providing a ramp to accelerate upwards. It eventually caught up and sent the 2 flying out of the motorbike.

"Element-" BoBoiBoy tried to chant before the monsters tail hit him hard, throwing him aside, breaking rocks in the process. As he grunted in pain Gopal was trying to find him, but the monster snuck up on him, luckily Yaya appeared out of nowhere, saving him.

"Thanks a lot Yaya!" BoBoiBoy and Gopal said in unsion, as Yaya smiled. 

"Your welcome!" She replied, but the moment of peace didn't last long has the monster broke free from rage. Ying also came to help, gaining them another time to breathe.

"You 2 alright?!" Ying panicked as the duo nodded.

"Sorry Mrs. Monster, I don't wanna hurt you, but I don't want my friends to be food!" Yaya exclaimed with a slightly sad expression. 

"You have mercy for it?! FYI, it was about to eat us!" Gopal defended.

"Is that true Mrs. Monster?" Yaya asked, as the monster silently stood there raging. 

"They were the ones who stole from me first!" It anrgily spoke.

"IT CAN SPEAK!?" The duo gasped, as Ying face planted.

"Man, of course she can! If you'd bothered to read the mission tablet, you'd know that already!" she scolded as she showed them the tablet with information on the platypus monster. 

"Return the egg that you stole from me!" it shouted as Gopal protested, as Gopal was protesting it wasn't an egg, as it suddenly hatched. Gaining a few 'awwws!' from Yaya, Ying and the Platypus monster, until it turned to Gopal calling him his mother, which of course, caused chaos, as Gopal ran away scared and annoyed of the baby + mother.

BoBoiBoy turned into his wind element, till the monster threw ground spikes at him mid air, Wind was about to do something, until..

"Time to rock this!" Y/n called out being lifted up to the air by Yaya before strumming her electric guitars strings, causing a loud sound wave. The monster instantly rushes for the duo in the air till Yaya storms in and prevents the attack, which made the monster upset and chase the trio. Little did the 3 know, Ying and Gopal had a plan of their own.

"BOBOIBOY!! Push it down the ravine!" Ying called as BoBoiBoy yelped.



BoBoiBoy nodded and split into 3. driving Y/n insane on the urge to help, so she did. Assisting the 3 to do the final blow to push the monster down.

"BoomBurst!" She exclaimed, successfully pushing the monster down, as the entire gang descended down, realizing the cacti from below was turned to bubblegum by Gopal! But since they haven't found the powersphera yet, they had to get scolded.. virtually.

. . .


"What kind of mess did I drag myself into.." I sighed looking down at the small camp me and the gang made, mesmerized by the view of the galaxy before walking a distance away, not admiring the view from the south, lost in my own thoughts, sitting on the sand, till a voice broke it.

"That's what I asked myself when I first joined TAPOPS." The musical hero giggled before sitting next to me. "Really?" I asked, "You seem so.. confident, I wouldn't expect you to panic over decisions, especially one that no one gets everyday.. He sighed as the wind blew against our hair. 

"It's hard to leave somewhere you've been your entire life." Y/n spoke, e/c eye's shining against the star's radiance, the way she just sits.. makers her look mesmerizing.

"It's hard, adapting to places you've never seen, or heard of. But.. you'll get used to it." 

"And look at the bright side, you'll meet new friends, traverse around the galaxy, and start discover, a lot of amazing things, as well as getting stronger." She smiled softly, assuring me it'll be okay.

"Would a song cheer you up?" She offered me, my heart stopped, my face heating up slightly as I nodded.

She summoned her electric guitar, all the sudden, and  suddenly stroke the strings to the first beats on 'Whenever, Wherever' by Shakira. with waves of calmness suddenly hitting me, as she started to hum the lyrics in a low, but hypnotizingly mesmerizing tone. 3 minutes later, she finished the song and made her guitar disappear. 

"That was nice.." I chuckled as she grinned in return, looking up at the stars, admiring the view, I did the same thing she did, and we star gazed for about 10 minutes. "We should head back to camp, the rest could be worried." She giggled as I nodded, and we both descended down from the piles of sand to finally catch some sleep, as I was about to enter my tent, I heard a voice call out for me.

"Good night BoBoiBoy" She whispered smiling.

"Good night to you too, Y/n." I giggled before the duo finally slept.

. . .

am prolly gonna make concept art for the design Y/n has soon + her powersphera!! Stay tuned for that lolz

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