8 - Training Session With The Missionary Group!

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"Admiral Maskmana sir!" 3 mixed voices echoed  through the room's area, as the said Admiral turned to face them, brimming with intimidation. "You 3, shall go on a mission with 2 of the other Lance Corporals. Enter! Sai and Shielda!" The admiral yelled out as the siblings entered, gaining the interest of the 3 members already in the room.

"Oh, we're working with the twins and Y/n?" Sai asked before turning his head towards the said trio, "Unfortunately, Lemon is here." The Halloween prop  replied before earning a head smack from the girl with the sour name. "Oww?!" She yelped as Lemon only scoffed.

"Anyways, you will all go to Planet Volcania, a day from now. You will be the team.. B to say the least for the Toughness Trial, Admiral Tarung and Commander Koko Ci initiated." Maskmana explained, as the 5 nodded intently.

"So.. today is just a free day so we can train am assuming?" Shielda asked as Maskmana nodded. "Indeed, these 4 new recruits are quite good based on their records. So I shall dismiss you to initiate the training, that you 5 can freely do. Understood?" He added on as the 5 nodded and saluted. "Sir yes sir!" They all said in sync, "You are all dismissed." Maskmana announced as the 5 went out of the room.

. . .

"Soo, who are these new recruits?" Sai asked curiously as Y/n stopped to think. "Am assuming its BoBoiBoy and his gang.." Y/n replied shrugging her shoulders, as Sai and Shielda looked at her confused. "Who is this.. BoBoiBoy?" Sai asked, "Elemental Hero from earth.. He's quite powerful actually!" Y/n hummed as Shielda nodded. "Interesting.. we should get into training now then if our Musical Hero over here thinks he is!" Lemon laughed as Y/n looked away sheepishly. 

"We should get to the training room then." Shielda replied as the 5 made their way to the training room, also bumping into recognizable people. "Kaitou!" Y/n greeted as Kaitou looked over at her smiling. 

"Well if it isn't Y/n! Nice to see ya again!" He greeted as a blue haired boy with light purple eyes popped out of nowhere. "If it isn't the musical hero, long time no see!" He pointed as Y/n looked over to the voice. "Y-" Y/n tried to say until Pumpkin lightly pushed her aside. "You still owe me 50 yen!?" Pumpkin scolded as the boy sweatdropped. "Here Pumpkin, sorry about that!-" He apologized handing the money over.

"Good." She scoffed as Sai, Shielda, and Lemon just watched the interaction. "Now we got a mission to do, see you 2 around!" Kaitou bid farewell, and Y/n waved back in return. "Anyways.. let's continue our walk to the training room.." Shielda awkwardly spoke as everyone nodded, finally making it into the empty training room.

"So who's sparring first?" Lemon asked, before Pumpkin shrugged. "I vote Y/n and Sai!" Shielda exclaimed, as the 2 mentioned looked at eachother, before smirking. "I don't see why not?" Y/n grinned, before they entered the training arena, as the remaining 3 stayed outside the glass barrier. 

. . .

"Ready?" Y/n yelled across the field, as Sai nodded. "Ready!" He yelled before grabbing his hat and throwing it with full force, as Y/n summoned her f/c electric guitar, and strum the strings to make a loud soundwave to force his hat to go flying towards him instead. Sai was able to swiftly dodge it and grab control of the hat again, and ambushed Y/n, by growing closer to her proximity and then throwing it to her hard. Y/n was able to block the attack with her electric guitar, but got sent back flying slightly, before getting back on her feet, and swinging it to bash Sai's chest with her electric guitar, she is now using just as a claymore. 

"Impressive! She's using her electric guitar like a claymore instead of her playing it to use her magic!" Pumpkin commented as Shielda nodded. "She is quite smart to take that as an advantage, but my brother has some tricks up his sleeve too." She replied as they both looked at Lemon, trying to see if she had an opinion on the ongoing fight, Lemon was only observing as she noticed the 2 looking.

"What?" She asked as Shielda faceplanted, "Oh sorry sorry! I find their fighting very interesting.. especially how Sai is using his hat as a shield to smack Y/n across the universe.." Lemon smiled before pointing Y/n trying to hit Sai with her electric guitar now used as a claymore against Sai, but Sai improvised by using his hat as a shield, deflecting Y/n's attacks everytime and sending her back in a large range before Y/n jumps at him again. The battle looked fresh out of an anime. After some time Sai grew weak and lost, even though he refused to admit it. 

"Alright who's next?" Y/n asked carrying Sai who literally passed out (She stronk) "I vote the fruit duo." Shielda replied before the twins looked at eachother, as a smirk plastered on Pumpkin's face. "Alright lets do this!" Pumpkin grinned dragging Lemon out of her seat and forcing her to enter the training arena.

Pumpkin summoned her orange spear, as Lemon summoned her dark green sword, Pumpkin spun her spear around causing ember to spark before rushing in quickly, and Lemon parried the attack, as dark green energy appeared out of her sword, she used her free hand to send a psychic beam to send Pumpkin flying backwards, as Pumpkin gained her footing once more, she started to jump around the place, spear in hand, as flames appeared by her boots. She dashed in such a rapid speed she hit Lemon, but Lemon was able to levitate up using her abilities, and sheathed her blade, and used both her hands to create a psychic formation on the air, and sent it flying towards Pumpkin, instantly damaging her severely. 

"I should've seen that coming!" She grunted before sending her spear spinning to her direction, as it flared up, Lemon dodged it still on the air as Pumpkin retrieved the spear back, before putting it behind her back, and summoning a small pheonix and sending it to chase after the flying sister, after some time the pheonix was able to burn Lemon slightly, and cause her to loose balance on her psychic-like abilities, and fall to the ground, but Pumpkin was seemingly on guard, before her sister appeared behind her and sent a psychic blaster right by her shoulder, winning the fight.

"Sai and Shielda's next!" Y/n exclaimed before using her psychic abilities once more before Pumpkin was lifted up instantly. 

"No Y/n, as much as I want to see that.. He's too tired." She pointed at the passed out Sai on the bench next to Shielda, as she let Pumpkin down and sat her down beside Shielda, who instantly smirked. "Wow Lemon, no need to act out the favoritism." Pumpkin teased before she heated up instantly, before trying to pull Pumpkin's hair, despite her seated 2 people away from her, As her flustered self tried to grab Pumpkin for a physical sibling quarrel, Sai awoken, and she didn't even realize. 

"I WILL BEAT YOU JUST LIKE EA-" Lemon tried to yell till Sai interrupted. "Ahem." That made turn Lemon look, realizing she was basically bending over Sai's lap, she instantly blushed like.. 50  shades of red before Y/n shrieked in suprise, as her grip on the bench faltered, she fell, specifically on Sai's lap.

"WHAT IN THE WATTPAD AO3 TUBMLR QUOTEV STORY IS THIS!?" Y/n cried out as Lemon sat up almost too quickly. "Nothing happened you spotify addict!" She protested, as Shielda nudged Sai's shoulders.


. . .

YES BROSKIS OC X CANON, Anyways Y/n's gonna have romantic moments next chap after the Toughness Trial thingy is done AND even while they're fighting<:D

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