Nozel Silva × Reader : Sacrifice

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Requested by FantasyShades. Thank you so much for requesting!

Genre : Angst to Fluff.

Summary : You were part of the Silver Eagles, and you were well-known for your immense power; yet no one foresaw the day you would be kicked out the team for anonymous reasons.

Word count : 2844.

Trigger warning : mentions of injury, mentions of death.

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All matters have consequences.

If there was one rule you had been taught since your prosperous beginnings in life, it was that your decisions matter the most for the consequences that follow.

If you obey, you survive. If you defy, you suffer.

Such concept was not foreign when it came to your upbringings, for you had to learn it the hard way. You were fortunately blessed with powerful magic; an amount that could put the Wizard King's enormous power into question.

In fact, that was exactly how your first encounter went. While you were fleeing from guards of the neighbouring kingdom, you came across a young magic knight who was surprised to find a kid on the run.

In your overwhelming urge to survive, your fight or flight instinct kicked in and fighting was your chosen option. Thus, you plunged towards the future Wizard King who didn't have as much of a choice but to fight back.

Severely fatigued, you passed out mid-battle. Julius, after a few shallow breaths, collected your unconscious body into his arms and carried you farther into the Clover Kingdom's borders, fully aware that he had just had a deadly close call with what your person was referred to, 'Diamond Kingdom's deadliest weapon.'

However, such great power came with a cost. Dare you exceed your body's limit and loose control, the power will snatch the reins and bring chaos and destruction upon the world. Hence, every bit of power used over the usual rendered your strong figure weak and useless.

Years elapsed and as weary leaves left space for their better selves to emerge, you aged wiser and your rebellion extinguished. Julius, who had been promoted into Wizard King, had taken you in as if his own.

And as an exchange of gratitude for his sacrifice and care, you dedicated your life to serve your father figure and the kingdom that heard your muted voice.

"You can be part of the Silver Eagles. I believe your growth will be tremendous among them; unless you've got another suggestion in mind?" Julius had asked, one day, with a warm smile, his eyes glinting with the gentleness and care of a parent.

You shook your head as your hair followed the motion. Lowering your head down, many would mistaken such gesture for obedience, but the truth was you were desperately trying to hide the swarm of emotions that ignited a burning heat in your face.

Out of the nine captains in Clover Kingdom, one singular captain captured your attention. For his calm and stoic façade, or his composed demeanor, you were uncertain.

But what had become an absolute fact for you was the admiration your heart and mind collectively harboured for the captain. However, you couldn't allow anyone to know of your secret; alas, it seemed that the Wizard King had caught wind of your thoughts.

Why you did not voice your suggestion of the Black Bulls for an alternative, you knew not.

Or perhaps, you did; for the rapid heartbeat that pounded against your ribcage clarified your desire to remain by the Silver Captain's side.

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