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Being in the army for more than 7 years of your life, you had gotten pretty used to getting up early.

Unfortunately, in your new life as a three year old, there was only so much you could do. Especially since no one else got up at 5 in here, you would usually have an hour or two to yourself.

At times like this, you would finally find the time to read all the advanced books that you wouldn't be able to in front of the others. You usually opted to reading because you didn't want to even think of all the memories of war that plagued your head everytime you sat idle.

But even before you joined the army, you were still quite fond of reading. At a time in which war plagued the world, you could only ever read snippets of book, torn pages and imagine what it would be like to read an actual, full book. But after joining the army, you didn't have the time to read any of the books in the library.

Now that you had this opportunity, you didn't want to let it go to waste.

On another day when you were reading in the garden, you were swinging your legs while lying on your stomach. Flipping through the pages everytime you were done with the previous one was etched into your muscle memory. And as you skimmed past the book, you felt a presence walking past you.

You looked over your shoulder to see your eldest brother, Touya looking like he was ready to go somewhere. It wasn't the first time you had seen him leave, it was a common occurrence.

He never really saw you, maybe because you sat close to the bushes and never said a word. But he always left to train his quirk before Endeavor got up, in hopes that if he improved enough, his father would finally look at him again.

How pitiful...

You layed there on your stomach, while watching him wear his shoes, "I'm getting better... I'm getting better, I'll show dad... I'll make him proud..." He kept muttering to himself like a maniac and you couldn't help the words that left your mouth.

"That's stupid."

His eyes widened in fear. Did he get caught already?! Looking around to find the source, he found no one, "I-Is someone there? What did you say?"

"I said that's stupid. The fact that you're destroying yourself for a man who doesn't care." He finally snapped his eyes in your direction. An audible gasp escaped his lips, "You... can talk?" He almost seemed like he was fixed in a trance.

"I-I have to tell mom... or Fuyumi, and Natsuo... that you can talk..." So he's more invested in the fact that you're talking than what you said? Seems appropriate, you would be too if a kid who never talked started talking one day.

"Does that matter?" You questioned, eyes half-lidded in boredom as he snapped his neck in your direction, "Of course it is!! You-You..."

"I just called you stupid. You're not gonna say anything about that?"

"Huh? Well...." He really didn't know what to say. On one hand, he was shocked over you speaking, but on the other, now that he realised what you had said, he was rather offended.

"Why are you... calling me stupid?"

"Because you're working so hard for someone who doesn't care." Touya's eyes widened, a fire filled with anger dancing in his hands subconsciously.

"What? How-How can you say that?! That's just... That's just because Dad's blinded by your stupid twin brother!! You don't know anything! You're just a kid!"

"Mhm, I am. And you're stupid." His face was starting to turn red just from sheer anger, the fire in his hand growing in magnitude.

"I'm not! I'm gonna get Dad to look at me, no matter what!! He'll be proud to have me as his son!" Shooting him an incredulous look, you tried to get the fact through his thick skull that his father will never care.

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